WTF – Who hung it well?

Dec 13 2018.

views 399

What - Christmas in Colombo      
Who - Tanuja and Radhika
So we have made it to the end of the year, and looks like a sad, not so bright Christmas – the atmosphere is still dull and the cheer is eaten up by the present political situation. Some private organizations have taken the time to lighten things up and bring in some cheer. 
I needed some fun people to join me as I make this drive and I couldn’t think of anyone better than Tanuja and Radhika who. like me, love the traditions that Christmas bring.
How was Christmas at home? 
My home traditions are what our mummy made us follow. Midnight mass and then an egg and bacon breakfast – its something we wait for.  
Radhika says “growing up- Christmas in our house was amazing/ we always went to church first thing Christmas morning, then my mum would lay out a champagne breakfast when we got back- the day was always full of laughter and food and our doors were always open to anyone who wanted to eat and enjoy the day with us. My dad would let me and Tanuja have a drink with him and even try one of his cigars and then we will pass out lol 
Tanuja - Christmas growing up in our house was always so much fun. All our friends knew our house was the place to be so people would be in and out throughout the day popping in for food and drinks. I would buy my dad and brother cigars and sometimes we would make my grandma smoke it and take pics of her looking gangster. We would pull crackers at the table during lunch and my dad would always get super serious about winning the stupid games that would come in the crackers like mini skittles! I remember my parents would always let us have a tiny glass of sherry on Christmas Day since we were kids and my sister and I thought this was the best thing ever. We would sip it so slowly so it wouldn't end and keep looking at each other and grin because we thought we were so grown up.
Traditions are so important, we love to see the tree up, light on and listen to some carols, When mummy was around we wake up to Christmas music on the 1st of dec with special coffee. 
What’s your family tradition when it’s Christmas?
Tanuja - Our family tradition growing up was that our mum would always give us new nighties on Christmas Eve for when santa came incase he saw us. They were always super festive. She still does it now and it's just our thing. We also all like to get together when we decorate the house. We play Christmas music and drink and eat cake and cheese and dance around. This year I have my family all together so it's been the best Christmas yet!
Radhika - my tradition now for Christmas is always to bake cookies on Christmas Eve and leave them out with a note saying thanks to Santa for the gifts- me and Naeem (Hubby) have done it every year for the past 4 years. Not sure if we can pull it off this year being here- the ants may get to those cookies before Santa does


Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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