Jun 18 2014.
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The Old Joes choir, a prominent group loved especially for their choral renditions of popular songs, is holding a concert in a bid to raise money to sponsor a trip to the 8th World Choir Games, the Choir equivalent of the Olympics.
The concert will include Soul Sounds, The De Lanerolle Brothers and The Revelations.
When: 27th June
Where: Lionel Wendt
Time: 7.30 pm
Tickets: Rs. 3,000, Rs. 2,000, Rs. 1,000, Rs.750 (balcony)
We caught up with some of them ahead of their concert!
Davenal Flanderka- says:
Jul 05, 2014 at 12:00 amI was a student at SJC from 154 to 1963 and while we were in College we had a choir who sang in the chapel under the direction of Fr Ignitious. This Choir also performed at concerts. If the OJC a continuation of this Choir or a totally different unit? I enjoyed the interview and will send this you tube to the president Roshan Gunasekera of the Old joes Club of Queensland for publishing in our News letters. Please keep us in the loop about your performances. Davenal