Dec 04 2014.
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Kumar de Silva is no stranger to the media and communications field in Sri Lanka. As a PR, Media Relations and Corporate Etiquette Consultant, Content Writer and Event Designer, he is a versatile personality best known for his days on The Bonsoir French Television Programme.
Aruna says:
Dec 05, 2014 at 12:00 amHi Kumar, Nice to see you after long time, I don't live in Sri Lanka, seeing you here brings back memories of the days that you have interviewed Mr Bogoda Premaratne. All the best to you and your family.
lelani says:
Dec 08, 2014 at 12:00 amQuestion #6. I've been waaaaiting to ask this. Why oh why do you sometimes wear your spectacles right on the edge of your nose? I've seen it in public. What purpose does it serve when it's hanging at the tip of your nose? You can't see through them, can you..please shed some light. Thanks
Jayalath says:
Dec 09, 2014 at 12:00 amHi, Kumar I guess you may not remember me ,but I recognised you . I was working at salon Ramzi back in day ( late 80s) and you make a visit there , some time you took part of modelling ,I meant you you did hair modelling for Ramzi . So, what amazed me is that you still look that you were 2 and half decade ago which is phenomenal . I wish you all the best . Take care .
Sira says:
Dec 10, 2014 at 12:00 amWHO is this dude????