Joe-Pete Vehicle Parades

Mar 12 2013.

views 8048

The Josephians and Peterites took the streets before the start of the annual 50 over cricket encounter between the two schools. With both vehicle parades seeing more than 1000 attendees the event was truly memorable. 
Life Online brings you some of the action from Sat 9 March!


  1. Seelawathie says:

    Here we go again. A so called elite school disrup[ting the day to day lives of ordinary citizens. What are they going to gain from this show off. Why can't they do something constructive and help some poor souls who don't know where their next meal is coming from. These young people get drunk and running riot in the city does not serve any purpose, and I just cannot understand why the media is giving so much publicity to such a moronic act, which should be confined to the cricket grounds wh

  2. Angelo Sugunasekera says:

    Dear Seelawathi, Appreciate your concerns. How ever both our colleges have helped many rural schools by various donations with we do not publicize on media. Also this was done on a Saturday morning where there is less traffic compared to a weekday. When there are protest rallies for various reasons in Fort Station, Town Hall or Borella that causes Police to close down the entire road, may i ask where is ur concern voiced there ? ? ? This was a mere act of old boys being Proud of he schools t

  3. K am kam says:

    Reply to SEELAWATHIE You are just a selfish lonesome old broken human being who has no taste for life and its enjoyment.go get a life !

  4. Dilshan Praneeth says:

    Great work!!!
    we must really be thankful to Life-online as well!!
    Long live our brotherhood!!

    God bless you St.Joseph's!!
    God bless you St.Peter's!!

  5. Kasun says:

    @Seelawathie : cant belive u compared a vehicle parade to a moronic act!!! get off your high horse lady, its too windy up there....:p

  6. Seelawathie says:

    Angelo, thank you for telling us about the good work you guys are doing by helping rural schools, as long as there are no strings attached. You are right that I did not complain when there were other demonstrations. May be I should have. As for K am Kam, I am a selfish lonesome old broken human being. I am also black, ugly, poor, educated at a rural school and live in a poor village. But I have the right to express my opinion. How come you got your knickers in a knot by reading my comment.

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