Want to BURN all those unwanted calories you gulped down throughout the week at office?? How does BURNING as much as 1200 calories per hour sound?? TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, RIGHT??
Well, YES, you can!
ZUMBA BURN YOUR EXTRA FAT Programme is designed especially for you! Lose it all while enjoying yourself as much as you did when you literally ate them up!!
There’s no need to feel guilty about the cupcake you had secretly, anymore. As you may already know; in order to achieve a fit and healthy body “Nutrition” and “Exercise” play the major roles.
If you know the combination that your body will answer to, you can get into the shape you dream of, in no time!!
In today’s segment we are going to BOUNCE… Shake those buttocks, work those wobbly thighs and calf muscles, dance and sway to the beat of BOUNCE BABY BOUNCE!!!
Dharshan is a U.S. Certified ZUMBA Fitness Instructor.

1. Start with feet together
2. Move left leg to your left and bounce with both feet twice
Simultaneously move your hands in circular motion with palms facing outwards
3. Bring your left foot together with right
Simultaneously shuffle your shoulders to the beat
STEP 1 – Basic Merengue

1. Move left foot to the left
2. Step on your right foot on the spot
3. Forward cross your left foot to the right
4. Move right foot to the right
5. Step on your left foot on the spot
6. Forward cross your right foot to the left
7. Repeat the Step - 1 to the beat
1. Bend down while stepping forward with your left foot
Simultaneously stretch your left hand down to your toes
2. Bring your left foot together with right while stretching your left hand high up
3. Turn backwards (anti-clockwise), bend down while stepping forward with your right foot
Simultaneously stretch your right hand down to your toes
4. Turn forwards (clockwise) and repeat Step – 2 to the beat
1. Move 4 steps sideways to your left while moving your hands up and down (4 times)
2. Move 4 steps sideways to your right while moving your hands up and down (4 times)
STEP 4 – “V” Step

1. Move your left foot at a 45⁰ angle forward
2. Move your right foot at a 45⁰ angle forward
3. Bring back your left foot to original position
4. Bring Back your right foot to original position
Hope you enjoyed our last week’s choreography to ZUMBA HE ZUMBA HA and do continue to follow our Video Guide for this absolutely fun cardio on www.life.lk
Visit us at our main studio: 169, Alufab Building (Arpico – 1st Floor), Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Co-05
Sara Winter says:
Nov 14, 2012 at 10:52 amHi I love this dance how can i download the song to dance ?