Who is the perfect man for you?

Nov 15 2011.

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This quiz will help you recognise what it is you need in a partner and in a relationship - and how to tell when you have found them.
1.         What do you want most from a relationship:
a)         Security?
b)         Excitement?
c)         Fun and trust?
2.         You have been seeing him for three weeks - then the phone stops ringing.  Do you:
a)         Move on fast?
b)         Flood him with letters and phone calls?
c)         Give him another week before looking elsewhere?
3.         Are your clothes:
a)         Always immaculate?
b)         Usually a bit crumpled?
c)         A mixture of the above - it depends on the occasion?
4.         Which kind of novel do you prefer:
a)         Romantic fiction?
b)         Pacy thrillers?
c)         Racy romps?
5.         Which role do you think suits you best:
a)         Mistress?
b)         Wife and mother?
c)         Girlfriend?
6.    When you and your man talk about children, do you feel:
a)    Warm all over?
b)    Acutely embarrassed?
c)    Perfectly normal?
7.         Would you introduce your partner:
a)         By his profession?
b)         By his name?
c)         As "my boyfriend"?
8.         How many people have you been out with seriously in the last five 
a)         One?
b)         Fewer than five?
c)         More than five?
9.         Would you prefer your bedsheets to be:
a)         White cotton?
b)         Black satin?
c)         Easily washable?
10.        How important is the size of his wage-packet to you:
a)         Very?
b)         Not at all?
c)         Not terribly but it does have some bearing?
11.        If it came to role-reversal in your home, and you were the only 
breadwinner, would you be:
a)         Embarrassed for him?
b)         Delighted he could cope?
c)         Pleased you could be useful?
12.        Which would you rather he played for recreation:
a)         Darts?
b)         Rugby?
c)         Bridge?
13.        You want to go out with the girls.  Is he:
a)         A bit moody?
b)         Perfectly agreeable?
c)         You wouldn't bother to tell him?
14.        Do you think men are:
a)         Very useful?
b)         Like everybody - some are good, some bad?
c)         The most important thing in life?
15.        You catch your man winking at another girl.  Do you:
a)         Pour a drink over his head?
b)         Laugh it off?
c)         Pout sexily - to another man?
16.        Would you rather be:
a)         Needed?
b)         Desired?
c)         Entertained?
17.        Which best describes your view of the bedroom:
a)         A jungle?
b)         A fun-fair?
c)         A dead-end road?
18.        Do you ever worry about being left on your own:
a)         Not yet - but you might in a few years time?
b)         Not at all?
c)         All the time?
19.        What normally breaks up your relationships:
a)         You get too keen?
b)         He gets too keen?
c)         It just fizzles out?
20.        How soon would you take him home to mother:
a)         On the first date?
b)         When you think you might have a future together?
c)         Or do you try to put that moment off as long as possible?
            a          b          c
1.         0          10         5
2.         10         0          5
3.         10         0          5
4.         0          5          10
5.         10         0          5
6.         0          10         5
7.         10         5          0
8.         0          5          10
9.         5          10         0
10.        10         0          5
11.        10         5          0
12.        0          5          10
13.        0          5          10
14.        10         5          0
15.        0          5          10
16.        0          5          10
17.        10         5          0
18.        5          10         0
19.        0          10         5
20         0          5          10
The man you want is more of an accessory than a companion.  You are so busy 
doing your own thing, leading your own life, that you are after casual 
flirtations, lavish parties and exotic holidays - things to make life glamorous 
and exciting.  But you don't want to start worrying about jealousies and 
long-term arrangements.  If a man wants a share of your company, he must be 
successful, look good, arrange exciting things for you to participate in - and 
be ready to back off the moment you decide you want to move on.  This man suits 
you well for now.  You may well change when you get a little older and find that 
the most extravagant of parties can seem a bit shallow when you have no-one to 
share it with.  And beware of falling in love with the kind of man who suits you 
now - he is probably the social-butterfly type himself.
Your ideal man is successful at what he does - but you don't mind what that job 
is.  He appreciates your independence but he also understands your need for a 
caring, trusting relationship, too.  Your Mr Right seems happy-go-lucky to all 
who meet him - but you know the deeper, more sensitive side which you would not 
be without.  You can often find him playing sports, surrounded by a group of 
friends, both male and female.  He always looks presentable, but he is certainly 
not obsessed by his appearance.  He is as happy sitting at home with a cosy 
feast as he is at a midnight beach party.  If you have already found him - hang 
on.  He is perfect for you.
Your ideal man will understand that you do not care much for the independent 
life.  He is one of the lads but you do not mind that because your home and 
family come before everything.  Your Mr Right likes you to look after him - and 
that is just what you want to do.  You need to be needed, and although he might 
present a one-of-the-boys image, you now he would be lost without you.  Your man 
must provide everything you hold dear: security, home and a family.



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