What’s on my shelf? - Vinodh Senadeera

Sep 20 2012.

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What’s your absolute favourite book and why?

Undoubtedly, Khaled Hosseini’s ‘The Kite Runner’. The story-line is simple and I loved his narrative. It was touching, sensitive and descriptive- an unstoppable read. The character portrayals are humane and sensitive and straight out of the ordinary- there is nothing fictitious about them. However, the movie was quite the opposite and ruined its greatness.


What are you currently reading?

‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ by Jane Rhys. It is a highly unusual book and gives insight into the character of Bertha Mason, the infamous ‘madwoman in the attic’ from Charlotte Bronte’s novel ‘Jane Eyre’. The narrative is amazing and it shows that Antoinette Cosway, the transformation of Bertha Mason, is much more than the ‘clichéd lunatic’ and this revelation of character is immensely interesting.


What do you look for in a book when you see it on the shelf?

I mostly go for the title. Also, I’m an avid reader of real life stories and keep away from fairytales, the likes of Harry Potter and fantasy even though I do teach all these genres.


What’s more important in a book? The writing, the plot or the conclusion?

For me, it has to be the plot- its rise and fall. But more than anything else I revel in the characters as they provide the means to actually connect with the story.




Is there any particular play that you’ve always wanted a chance to direct but haven’t had the opportunity yet?

Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ as well as ‘Adam Bede’ by George Eliot.




Which is your all-time favourite Shakespearean play and why?

It would have to be Othello. I love the concept of deception and the character of Iago has especial appeal to me. The complex characterization is brilliant and it deals with current issues in society, portraying the many Iagos in the world.


A play/book that has been a life- changing experience for you?

‘Whose Life is it Anyway?’ a play by Brian Clark which depicts a plea for euthanasia by a man who’s paralysed from the neck down. As a Christian taking your own life has always been considered blasphemous. However, this man’s (Ken Harrison- the main actor) suffering brought to light completely different aspects on mercy-killing and changed my view on the matter.


A favourite quote?

‘Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.’ – Helen Keller.










By Tasneem Dawoodbhoy 



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