WHAT'S COOKING - A Housewife's Diary

Jun 21 2012.

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                                                                 WHAT'S COOKING

                                                 A Housewife's Diary



SUNDAY  Olive oil is mainly composed of mono unsaturated fatty acids, quite heart healthy,  and do not increase  blood cholesterol levels. It contains antioxidants, discourage artery clogging,  and chronic diseases like cancer. it is beneficial to the digestive system. Coconut oil and corn oil have a high smoke point  and are suitable for deep fat frying . Coconut oil can be re-used several times. it has anti-bacterial properties. Frying fish and chips in coconut oil  is the healthiest choice.

MONDAY if you are on a vegetarian diet, you can get all the protein you need by eating foods like chick peas, lentils,(dhall), Tofu (bean Curd), soya yoghurt, nuts, seeds and brown rice. Dark green leaves such as spinach are good sources of iron for vegetarians.
TUESDAY  Good news for diabetics. Sweet potatoes are good for you. Dieticians recommend  that you roast them  in a little oil, rather than eat them fried. They are high in vitamins  and have a low glycaemic index , inspite of their sweetness.
WEDNESDAY A dessert for when you are in a hurry. Make up a packet of jelly crystals using only two teacups boiling water. Cool and chill in fridge. When half set, take out and beat in a small 85gm carton of yoghurt. Chill.
THURSDAY  Drinking just 3 cups of tea a day  may protect against heart attacks and type 2 Diabetes, claim researchers.Regular drinking of black tea, with or without milk, can reduce the risk of heart problems by cutting levels of bad cholesterol and blood sugar. The benefits of tea are largely due to the flavonoid content  - antioxidant ingredients that counteract cardiovascular disease. The flavonoids work their magic whether or not we choose to add milk.
FRIDAY  Many recipes mention adding coriander leaves  at the last minute. They should be added just as you put off the fire. Otherwise, the leaves will change colour.
SATURDAY "If you tell me  I will listen. If you show me, I will see.But if you let me experience, I will learn". Lao Tse. Chinese philosopher.(5thcentury).


By Therese Motha


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