WHAT'S COOKING - A Housewife's Diary

Jun 14 2012.

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                                                    WHAT'S COOKING

                                                  A Housewife's Diary

SUNDAY  Just returned after four relaxing days at Vintage Holiday Homes in the cool climes of Bandarawela. We were thoroughly pampered by our host. This is our host's ancestral home now converted  to a holiday home  very recently. It has six bedrooms. The food served was both Eastern and Western, and very much to our liking  and the rates were very reasonable. The furniture and fittings have all been chosen with a lot of thought and care.
MONDAY   A tip from a chef. Before frying cutlets or Masala Vadai, mix in a Tblsp of gram flour into the mixture  to help hold it together without crumbling. It is then easy to form balls. Also microwave for a minute or two  on each side  before frying. This cooks the centres and the frying gives added colour.


TUESDAY  Did you know ? The wedding ring goes on the  left ring finger because it is the only finger with a vein that connects  to the heart.
WEDNESDAY  Savoury Fritters. Mix one and a half cups gram flour with 2 Tblsp rice flour, one tsp baking powder, quarter tsp chilly powder, saffron, salt and sufficient water to make a very thick batter. Add finely cut onion, and green chillies. Drop tspfuls  into very hot oil and deep fry. Drain. Serve as a tea time treat.
THURSDAY  You would have come across the word "Agape" and wondered what it meant. It stands for a meal  that early Christians took together, and comes from the greek word "to love". After attending Church, the faithful used to come together  for a frugal meal  of bread and wine -  the idea being sharing and charity.


FRIDAY   Rampe is Pandan Leaf. It is known as "the vanilla of the East". It is an indispensible ingredient  in Malaysian recipes. Its flavour is fragrant and distinct.
SATURDAY  "I've learned that  people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget  how you made them feel". Maya Angelou. (American poet).

(By Therese Motha)









































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