WHAT'S COOKING - A Housewife's Diary

Jun 08 2012.

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A Housewife's Diary
SUNDAY Health tips taken from "Direction" magazine. To get the maximum benefit from a lemon, try this. Place the whole lemon in the deep freezer. Once it is frozen, grate the whole lemon, skin and all, and sprinkle it over whatever you are cooking. You can use it over soups, chicken dishes, fish dishes, vegetable salads, noodles, pasta sauce, rice, meat pie, sausages, instant noodles etc. The lemon peel contains as much as five  to ten times more vitamins  than the lemon juice itself. Lemon peels are health rejuvenators in eradicating toxic elements in the body. 
MONDAY Tips on water. Drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. Drinking 2 glasses of water just after waking up helps activate internal organs. One glass of water half an hour before a meal helps digestion. One glass of water just before taking a bath helps lower blood pressure. One glass of water just before going to bed avoids strokes or heart attacks. Water at bedtime will also help prevent night time leg cramps.
TUESDAY You sometimes see children accidentally dropping their food  and picking it up and eating it. According to a public health inspector, foods dropped on E Coli contaminated ceramic tiles are contaminated  with bacteria after a paltry 5 seconds, even if the floor had just been mopped.
WEDNESDAY  Bacon and Dhall Soup. In oil, saute 2 rashers bacon, chopped, and one B. Onion, chopped. Add one tsp herbs, three quarter cup dhall, 3 cups chicken stock, (made with bouillon cubes), and boil till dhall is cooked. Add salt and pepper. Sprinkle grated cheese and serve. 
THURSDAY  Were you aware that an uncovered sneeze can give up to 150 people  a cold? Researchers advise that you always cover your mouth with a hanky or tissue when you sneeze, and remember to wash your hands after that, as the sneeze droplets can contaminate whatever you touch. 
FRIDAY  For years, scientists have  wondered  how fire ants, whose bodies are denser  than water, can survive floods  that should destroy them. How do entire colonies form themselves into life rafts that can float for weeks? Engineers have discovered that tiny hairs on the ant's bodies trap air bubbles. This enables thousands of the insects "which flounder and struggle in the water as individuals" to ride out the flood when they cling together. 
SATURDAY This quotation was sent me by post from a retired priest friend. "The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age " - Lucille Ball
(By Therese Motha)
SATURDAY This quotation was sent me by post from a retired priest friend. "The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age " - Lucille Ball



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