WHAT"S COOKING - A Housewife's Diary

Jun 29 2012.

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                                                 WHAT"S  COOKING

                                              A HOUSEWIFE'S DIARY



SUNDAY  Tips on foot care for diabetics taken from the Mediscene magazine of the Sunday Times. When having a bath, wash between your toes with soap and water, and then always dry between the toes with a soft cloth.Cream or vaseline should not be applied between the toes. Do not walk barefoot even inside the house. Cut nails straight across with a nail cutter or a nail file. While seated, avoid crossing your legs as this can cause pressure on nerves and blood vessels. Inform your doctor if you have tingling or burning sensation in your feet.
MONDAY  I was reading a book by Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey "A Woman of Independent Means". It is a book wholly written in the form of letters to various people. One particular sentence struck an echo from deep within me. "To me, education is a continuing admission of how much we do not know, and the more I see of the world, the more I realize how much I still have to learn".

TUESDAY  Asian youngsters may have a high IQ but they have a low EQ (emotional quotient) which, according to a report, is as important as IQ> Loosely, EQ examines how one deals with oneself and others.
WEDNESDAY  Raw Bittergourd(Karavila) Sambol. Slice Bittergourd very fine, soak in salted water  for some time. Squeeze out all liquid. Add finely chopped red onions and green chillies, powdered maldive fish, and sliced tomato. Add lime juice to taste. The addition of the tomato is necessary to take away some of the bitterness of the bittergourd. Good for diabetics.
THURSDAY  Did you know that the lips, tongue, finger tips and toes have more nerve endings than anywhere else in the body? That is why they are the most sensitive to touch and temperature.
FRIDAY  Candles will burn more slowly and evenly, with a minimum of wax drippings, if you place them in the freezer for several hours before using.
SATURDAY  "Prayer is the place where burdens change shoulders"

By Therese Motha


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