WHAT"S COOKING - A Housewife's Diary

Oct 17 2012.

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                     WHAT'S COOKING  A HOUSEWIFE'S DIARY




SUNDAY  Most of us housewives cant stand the sight of a cockroach, and instantly want to stamp on it. They are the most despised of all insects, and live in the most unsanitary conditions. But according to  the papers, the hated cockroach is essential to the planet, for converting nitrogen into fertilizer. Extinction of  cockroaches would have a big impact on forest health, and therefore indirectly on all the species that live there. Their disappearance would play havoc with the nitrogen cycle. The humble cockroach is essential to the survival of the planet's delicate ecosystem.
MONDAY  What is a Kedgeree?Rice dish with fish, hard boiled egg etc. 
What is Coq Au Vin?Chicken in red wine.
What is Sauerkraut? Pickled Cabbage. 
What is Quiche Lorraine? Cheese and Ham Savoury Flan. 
TUESDAY  I suppose all of you housewives know that whenever you finish using the pressure cooker, you must remove the rubber gasket on the lid, wash it well in soapy water, shake it to remove excess water, and hang it up to dry. This preserves the life of the gasket. 
WEDNESDAY  This is an easy dessert called Gelato, I picked up from watching TV. Cut up 2 or 3 bananas, and 2 mangoes. Place in a canister, and put into the deep freeze for at last 2 hours, or possibly more. Empty into the blender with 2 small cartons yoghurt  nd blend. Serve immediately. Or, the chef said it could be re-frozen and served as an ice cream, or used to fill wafer cones. 
THURSDAY  Bottle Gourd, also known as Calabash, is widely used in Indian ciusineIt is also used as a key ingredient in curies and chutneys. In China, it is used either as a stir fry dish or in a soup. It has nutritional value as it contains Vitamins A and C, in addition to calcium and iron. 
FRIDAY  Sponges used to wash dishes carry more germs than a toilet bowl, a recent study found. Sanitize sponges and put dish rags through the wash regularly. 
SATURDAY  "Search for a beautiful heart, not for a beautiful face. Beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful".

By Therese Motha


  1. MMM Hiffni says:

    These tips are very informative and helpful. Please keep up the good work. Thanks.

  2. Shiki says:

    These tips are really valuable. Great job.

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