What You Need to Know about Vaginal Infections

Jan 31 2012.

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Having a vaginal infection is very common among women but not everyone who gets it is comfortable enough to discuss it or have it checked by a doctor. Up to about a few years back, this subject could have not even been easily talked about on TV. However, with the recent increase of diseases concerning women, infomercials are now bold enough to relay information about the topic and other related issues. 

The common symptoms of an infection in the vagina is itching and burning of the affected area. This is normally caused by a sudden change of the female organ’s normal pH count brought about by sex, use of douches, use of particular contraceptives, and other certain objects that are inserted inside the vagina such as spermicidal creams and  gels, and tampons.

Antibiotics are also considered as a major cause. When you take antibiotics for a certain bacterial infection somewhere else in your body, they may also attack the good bacteria in your vagina that maintains a healthy environment.

Other conditions that can influence the condition are the following: pregnancy, diabetes, eating too much sweets and sugary foods, hormonal changes during post-menopausal stage, oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy. Bacterial infections of the female organ may also be sexually transmitted.


The most common vaginal infections are as follows:
1. Yeast Infection – brought about by Candida albicans, a yeast organism. Just a onetime experience of this infection, you will forever remember its symptoms, which is a miserable itch and white curd-like discharge. It is advisable to seek medical help to get proper diagnosis when you first get infected. This is so you’ll be able to recognize the symptoms better if you happen to get infected again.
2. Bacterial Vaginosis – brought about by Gardnerella vaginalis, a bacterium. A thin discharge with the tinge of grey or green is the most common symptom. This infection can be a cause for concern because it has the possibility to extend to the uterus and fallopian tubes which may affect fertility and cause other complications.
3. Trichomoniasis – brought about by a protozoan. If you have a yellowish discharge and experiencing a burning itch or sometimes, a burning sensation when you pee, you might be suffering from this vaginal infection.
There are many brands of medications available today that are specifically created to cure vaginal infections. Nevertheless, before purchasing just about any cream or drug labeled for treating vaginal infection, especially over-the-counter ones, it is best to find out first what type of infection you have. Like any drug, these can cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, burning skin, itch and rashes. Antifungal creams are also used to relieve irritation on the affected area and destroy microorganisms that cause infection. Its common side effects are skin itch, burning and rashes. The right diagnosis can lead you to the right treatment.
If you want to treat your infection with natural ingredients, there are several herbs that you can use. First is garlic, which is the best-known anti-fungal and anti-bacterial herb. When eaten, it has the ability to counteract vaginal infections regardless of the cause. Naturopathic doctors even say that a whole, peeled clove can be used as suppository. Pau d’ Arco, the bark from a South American tree is also known for fighting yeast infections. It is commonly processed into teas and other combination products.
Another ingredient that you might want to find in natural food-store products and herbal preparations is the Oregon Grapefruit. It is an herb loaded with berberine, which is one of the most effective anti-infection botanicals. It can be taken internally in tincture form or bought as ready-to-use suppository or cream in natural health stores. Tea tree oil, another antifungal ingredient can also be used against vaginal infections and itch. However, it is best to buy manufactured products with tea tree oil instead of applying pure essential oil on the affected area because of its potency.
If you experience a recurring vaginal infection, it is best to see your doctor or a natural health practitioner who can give you the right medicine and encourage you to start a dietary program or herbal tonic program. These programs can help strengthen your immune system against infections.
(Written by Jessica Lord)






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