What You Need To Know About Acne

Jan 31 2012.

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Almost 100 percent of people, in their teenage period, have at least a sporadic pimple whitehead or blackhead. Most of these teenagers capable manage their acne with over-the-counter treatments (OCT). But in some cases, some of them face have got serious acne. And most of times, they have to face this serious problem in their middle of teenage and about 40 percent of adolescents who get acne severe enough to need proper treatment by an expert and specialist physician.

Acne is the disease of the skin that surfaces pimples and deep lumps formation on the face; back; shoulders and neck regions. These are in the form of pores over the skin that projects unhygienic and absurd looks and destroys the face completely if ill-treated.

The disease of acne happens to youngsters in a broader prospective. The disease isn’t restricted to occur but might find an example to cause bacteria and hormonal imbalance in the human body. It usually occurs in the people who are in the age group of 20s to 40s. The disfiguring of the skin surface is extremely upsetting for many people engaged in their professionals especially the models.

A soft and fluffy clear skin with no marks on the face is every individuals dream and women community is extremely susceptible to worry the clear face in this cosmopolitan society. Severe and serious repercussions occur with permanent scarring of the face.

The term Acne which is common in the society because the outbreak of such bacterial infection of the skin causes the formation of uneven pimples in each life in certain stage of life where hormonal changes are mandatory to happen.


The face’s greasy secretion of the skin’s sebaceous gland makes up a tiny opening for hair follicles and these large openings when unattended for a longer period fills up the space or clog it and that takes up the shape of blackheads and whiteheads. The polluted air causes certain flat spots that are small and pitch dark in color and are easily visible to naked eye.

These are also known upon as flesh-colored bumps of the skin. The swollen and tender inflammations in a form of pimples are the type of plugged pores that do not remain untouched by an individual to either get peeled off or squeezed for the bacterial formation and cause deeper lumps and nodules over the skin surface.

The infected region of the skin takes a shape of firm swelling that is called by dermatologists as (Cystic Acne) of the skin and becomes inflamed due to acute infection thereupon. The condition of acne occurs predominantly to those with sufficient amount of oily skin. The categorization of acne can be understood by its mild and moderate outlook.

Acne lesions are the commonest form of face infections that may overtime reach to other skin sections of the body. An uncontrollable sex drive; harmful diet and unhygienic environmental factors don’t cause acne to happen to a human body. The real truth of the cause is the hereditary and hormonal imbalance of the human body. Swearing off chocolate or scrubbing your face 10 times a day won't change your predisposition to this unsightly, sometimes painful, and often embarrassing skin problem. It is the extra careful procedure that requires systematic and meticulous planning to have a timely check.

The scientific analysis of males totally differ from females one and both are very complex and complicated by nature for ex: Males produces a hormone called as testosterone and female produces androgen as, Testosterone signals the body to make more serum a form of wax substance for retaining moisture of the skin surface and Androgens boosts up the production for keratin formation as a hormonal abundance which helps the body to produce hair and nails to reach to a specific height.

The bacterium grows in these clogged follicles to cause non-inflammatory acne of the skin. The pressure of the inflammation breaks the wall of follicle buildup and starts bleeding or leaking to nearby soft tissues of the skin and gives permission for pustule to increase. The rashes and permanent scars of the face skin happen due to excessive ruptured cysts. In a common parlance Steroids used by athletes and bodybuilders and oral contraceptives for women to avoid pregnancies becomes the major risk of skin acne.

Acne can be a real pain in the place-I’m-not-supposed-to-mention-here. That doesn’t mean you must pick on it or use unhealthy substances. After all this is our skin we’re all crying over! Including you. Use the right medication. You’ll be happier if you waited a while until the medication works rather than suffer on the long run because you ‘pinched’ your way out of social embarrassment.

(Written by Jessica Lord)



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