Viral Videos

Nov 13 2012.

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With all the internet lingo that’s making its way to mainstream culture, it’s hard to keep track of what a word means these days. The newest or maybe the oldest (who even knows anymore?) in a long line of weirdly appropriate jargon being introduced to us is “viral” and no we’re not talking about the sick kind.

Viral videos for the not so up to speed adult (aka people with jobs) are any video no matter how random or plain absurd that has reached an audience in excess of a few millions. From Beiber videos to anything with the word “Twilight” in it does qualify under this criteria
However one of the most admirable qualities about viral videos, is that even though we think we’ve seen it all there’s yet another video out there that’s being watched by several million people. It’s almost like you’re always being left out and you’re the only one who hasn’t seen it. Well to put those curious minds to ease, here’s a list of what’s buzzing on the internet lately. 
Jenna Marbles
This girl is crazy, yeah that about sums it up. Her videos are a huge Youtube sensation and she uploads new videos on a weekly basis. Contrary to her really controversial and satirical videos, this young lady is actually a Psychology graduate with a specialization in Sports Psychology.
Her videos are mostly to do with offering a fresh perspective to everyday occurrences as exemplified by themes like “What girls do in the bathroom”, “How boys watch TV”, “How girls go on diets”.
In addition to her perspective videos she also does a range of informative videos which deal with very quirky parts of our lives and take titles like “How to avoid talking to someone” and “How to trick people into thinking you’re good looking”. Her very strong presence carries a lot of weight and adds to her popularity.

Boxxy is what you would call psychotic, and most people who have seen her videos will agree, but that hasn’t stopped her videos from reaching a comfortable 17 Million views.
The videos are actually addressed to people that she has met online in a social media platform known as “Gaia Online”. What’s really special about this girl is that she portrays an ADD or Borderline personality with frightening accuracy.
Her monologues are all over the place and make little sense but makes up for it by changing pace in quick succession surprising even the most tempered of viewers.

Slender is actually a PC game that was designed by an American firm loosely based on the forum generated legend of Slender man.
The story made up by forum users is that Slender man is an evil spirit who kidnaps children and the game follows a similar storyline with a first person POV setting, what’s interesting is that this game is a very scary one and has become a largely popular online sensation.
Most users upload videos of themselves playing the game and their reactions to the game, which surprisingly has caught on to large amounts of views.

Salad Fingers
If you didn’t believe that our generation is doomed, here is the proof. Salad fingers is a demented cartoon animation which deals with fictional characters on an almost Tim Burton style of storytelling, portraying a very sinister tone of voice.
The videos deal with abstract concepts that send chills down anyone’s spine and have been received with much acclaim.

Facebook Parenting
Nothing is a better testament of the generation gap in current times than this video uploaded by a frustrated parent whose daughter had uploaded a rude and disrespectful note on Facebook, regarding her family and the chores she’s assigned which according to her are too many.
She goes on in great detail about the shortcomings of her parents, having blocked her parents from her Facebook profile. The father who has seen the post, has uploaded this video where he reads out an excerpt from the daughter’s post and proceeds to reply to it, finally shooting her laptop with his gun.
Needless to say this video is the topic of much discussion on Youtube and elsewhere.

FPS Russia
This rather enjoyable set of videos is featuring a Russian man who shoots/burns/explodes a range of items from wood to trees to old vehicles with military issue weapons.
The name of the videos are a reference to FPS games (first person shooting) and the man is the owner of a private weapon production plant in Russia.

By Dilshan Senaratne 


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