Toilet chi and Aspirations

Aug 17 2012.

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The Science of Feng Shui has three important basic tenets which say that everything is alive, everything is connected, and everything is changing. This also means that energy is changing continuously and has a strong influence on the human being and the occupants of a dwelling. According to Feng Shui, every object, space, and living thing has chi.Energy in a structure of a building especially your home has a strong influence and the positioning of the doors, windows and location of toilets have a major impact on the lives of the occupants.

Generally the design of a toilet is given importance only in terms of décor but the positioning is most often ignored. Although a toilet is a space where waste is discharged and is considered as a negative area, a building without toilet is unimaginable.

According to Feng Shui, the toilet position is said to have a major impact on the   various aspects of a person’s life like wealth, health and even relationship luck.

If the home has a Kitchen or a toilet at the Southwest sector, it most certainly affects the relationship and marriage prospects of the occupants of the home. If a Toilet or a Kitchen exists in the South West corner of your home, then those seeking suitable partner may find it quite difficult to move ahead; or at times all the proposals coming your way may get dwindled and for some flimsy reason the proposal may fall apart.

The fact is that every corner of the home represents one of the desirable aspirations of living, hence One may  well ask then, where the toilets of a home can be located since placing it anywhere seems to cause problem of one kind or another.

The fact is we need to look at it from most sensitive to least sensitive portion of a building in terms of positioning and design the layout accordingly. It’s not surprising that in the past Toilets were always positioned away from the main building.

When Toilets are in South West sector it represents flushing away all your marriage prospects. If you find you have a toilet placed in exactly the South-West corner of your home, and there is nothing you can do about it, then stop using this toilet altogether.

Alternatively, having a décor in red inside the toilet or suspending faceted crystals to enhance the earth chi are considered the easiest remedy.

If married and you perceive your marriage to be in trouble, the toilet in the Southwest could be the possible reason as they also represent the relationship and marriage sector of the home, and most importantly the matriarch’s corner. Having bamboo wind chimes painted black would help dissolve the bad chi due to this toilet position.

If the South-West sector or the corner of the building or property is cut which makes that sector missing, due to the shape of your home or apartment, it causes difficulty, dwindling of marriage prospects and relationship too. The solution then is to erect a wall mirror on a side of the wall to extend out the corner, thereby apparently creating space in the South-West corner.




By S.BS.Surendran, Accredited Master Fengshui Consultant, Bioenergetician and Traditional Vaastu Practitioner



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