Tips to treat and prevent acne

Jan 29 2012.

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1.Wash your face with the help of a mild soap twice a day especially when experienced excessive pollution of the road to prevent the bacterial formation on the face for acne.
2. Massage your face gently in circular motions to enhance blood pressure and don’t scrub the face or over-wash it because that might create irritation and roughness to the skin. 
3. Clean all glasses and sunglasses so as to ensure frequent oil deposit clogging from around the pores of nasal and eyes regions.
4. Do not simply lean on the telephone receiver or to touch the facial skin with finger every now and then. The objects could trigger the bacterial infection on the surface of the skin.
5. Prevent yourself from additional dirt and oil particles to clog your pores of soft hair follicles.
6. Try not to wear tight clothes so as to let body breathe totally. Tight clothes help bacteria to form at a particular place to harbor in large numbers and cause acne. Head caps; scarves for women and headbands should be completely avoided.
7. Do not pop up the tempting pimples from the face. Popping could lead to more swelling and infections instead try to consult a dermatologist for less risk of scarring and infections of the soft and fluffy ski surface.
8. Prevent yourself from sun-tanning as direct U.V rays of the sun creates the formation of sebum liquid on the surface and help increases acne and wrinkles over the skin with acute skin cancers too. 
9. Applying make-up in the night is contagious to form acne of the skin. 
10. Protect yourself from cold sores of producing pimple on the lip region of the face. It’s a herpes virus (HSV-1) and do not share commodities such as lip balms; cold drink sips; frequent cigarettes or even toothbrushes because it all helps in transformation of one bacteria from one place o another. The virus due to cold sore is transmitted through nose and the mouth saliva.
11. Have plentiful of sleep in the night and drink glass full of 8 glasses of water each day with regular exercising for at least 20 minutes (daily). This helps in reducing up the stress mounted over the skin’s surface.
12.Suck away ice cubes or pops to ease the tension of the stretched skin in cold weather as acne if formed predominantly in cold seasons much.
13. Stay away from spicy or chilly foods and other acidic reactive foods such as: lemonade; tomatoes; oranges and other juicy substances because the chemical reactions of such fruits with the blood causes acne formation.
14. Never allow bacterial blood bleeding to happen over the skin surface instead use towel or damp cloth to easily clear the watery substance form the surface because when bacterial blood rumbles down the skin the number of points it touches of the skin creates acne formation in large numbers and spreads all over unexpectedly.
15. Try to wear gloves to clean vehicle at home or washing utensils in the kitchen and take a short warm shower/bath in the loo.
16.Do not use fragranced cream or lotion or even moisturizer. Try to use only fragrance-free moisturizers as the availability of chemicals in it is reduced substantially by the manufacturing companies before launching the product in the market.
17. Stay away from wool or spandex clothes as the irritation or frustration with itchiness when coming in contact with the skin’s surface for relatively longer span of time causes the formation of acne on the skin surface.
18. Be hyper-cautious of warts formation at the genital region of women especially as the wart pigmentations causes’ bacterial infection at the vagina and thus causes acute acne. Consulting a gynecologist is a better option rather than taking over-the-counter-drugs or prevention methods on the spur of the moment at home itself. It’s extremely harmful or contagious to human body.
19. For pregnancy related contingencies for women. Try not to experience stretch marks over the surface of the skin as the skin’s surface balloons in 7 to 8 months period and stretches to its extreme level with enormous uneven elasticity which causes roughness; dryness and acne formation over the skin. 
Keep your skin radiant and glowing for the rest of your life span and eat healthy!
(Compiled by Jessica Lord)


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