The perfect beach body

Jun 12 2012.

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With summer around the corner designer ranges are unveiling their beachwear lines in full gusto with the brighter shades and floral patterns stealing the show in what appears to be a bid to rejuvenate a retro feel and approach to the golden summer sun.

Some things however never go out of fashion and the increasing amounts of skin that’s left exposed has maintained valuable square inches this season as well. Presenting the average working class citizen a daunting task of meeting up to the expectations of the celebrity form that is splattered all across magazines; taunting us with their washboard abs and size zero bikini tops not to mention the pounds they lose under the photoshop brushes. Even though comparing with these A listers is essentially setting one’s self up for failure, a case can be made against being completely washed up and outshined by them.




A major concern when sporting beach attire is the physical shape that you’re in. Keeping with the old adage champions aren’t made on the court they’re made out at the gym, same holds true for the sunny beaches.

A month of hard work in the gym will do wonders for high levels of self esteem and your ego. Achieving the perfect body is that much easier if we had something to compare against, and also interesting to note is what the ideal beach body really is.

As for comparisons, they can be made against the media fuelled high expectations you have for yourself, however the perfect beach body is actually an emphasis on certain muscle groups over and more than others.

The main theme of a beach body also known as a swimmer’s body, is in the tone of the muscle against the bulk of it. In loose translation, the highlight is in the low levels of fat that accentuate the muscles and define them rather than the sheer size of the muscles themselves.

The muscle groups in order of importance are as follows, all muscles given below are important for complete physical growth but for the purpose of achieving a beach body the muscles are placed in order of importance and contribution to appearance.

A list of exercises are also given which corresponds to each muscle growth, executing which will ensure muscle growth in the particular regions:


Abs – Weighted Crunches, Hanging Leg Raises, Jackknives

Chest – Bench Press, Pec Deck, DB Flys

Bicep/Tricep – Bicep Curls, Preacher Curls, Concentration Curls, Tricep Pull Downs, Skull Crushers

Shoulders – Military Press, Shoulder Press, DB Vertical Flys, DB Lateral Raises, Upright Rows

Back – DB Rowing, BB Rowing, Back Press, Deadlifts


Zero Fat


Reducing fat is the most important theme of achieving the ideal beach body. Generally a body fat percentage of 10% on average is ideal for extraordinary levels of definition.

Calorie restricted diets and heavy cardio regimens are the most effective methods of eliminating fat levels. A few pointers to remember being that zero calorie crash diets may actually do more harm than good to your ultimate goal while cardio sessions should primarily be based on duration in place of intensity to ensure fat burning.


The Tan


There’s a reason for professional models and body builders tanning into darker shades than their naturally pale skin during competition. The simple reason being that the tan skin defines muscle tone much better than lighter skin does by shedding necessary shadows on the curves and accentuations. Tanning is an ideal way to gain a little unfair advantage over others.




Beachwear as scanty as it may be, improves perceived form significantly when used appropriately. An important point to note is the age old rule of vertical stripes to make you look taller and thinner due to the Muller Lyer illusion the lines create. On a corresponding note, horizontal lines will make skinny beach goers more comfortable in their skins. Another point to note is to pick clothes that fit just right in order to showcase the best form of your body.


Regardless, however achieving the perfect body goes far beyond tricks of the trade and reach far into the realms of hard work. But for those unwilling to go the extra mile these pointers can save a lot of face and help hide those double chins.




(By Dilshan Seneratne)


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