The love of sex

Jul 03 2012.

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The gray area between love and sex has shrunk considerably over the years within given reason and media influence. As a highly evolved civilization we now enjoy an often confusing distinction between love, sex and all that goes on between the sheets.An increasingly sexualized media propels the campaign under the often quoted principle “sex sells”. In reality love and sex are two concepts that even though overlapping within the context of intimacy, carry much that is mutually exclusive to each other right? Wrong! Researchers the world over are toying with the idea that sex is as much an affair of the heart as love is.

The age old definition of sex as a biological process independent of the emotional groundwork laid out for love is slowly being replaced by the new understanding that sex is in fact love misspelled.

The basis for these scandalous claims originate from findings made through a study carried out by Jim Pfaus, involving extensive analysis of related studies dealing with fMRI scans of brain activity in individuals viewing erotic material. The brain activity of subjects under these conditions were recorded, the real surprise came when the circuitry involving sexual arousal was compared with the circuitry that lit up when the same people ogled at their loved ones.

The neuronal activity was the same by large! Deeper analysis of these data suggested that the biggest difference between the two visual cues and their corresponding brain activity was in the emphasis placed on either the posterior brain areas as opposed to anterior brain regions. It was found that sexual arousal originated deeper within the posterior of the brain while loved ones illuminated the more anterior regions.

The implication is thought to be that the anterior brain regions are more predominant in dealing with abstract concepts and bigger pictures probably owing to the frontal cortex which localizes higher order cognitive functions. The deeper folds of the brain on the other hand dealt with more concrete basal thought patterns i.e.: horniness.

In simple English, the results suggests that brain regions which are localized for a variety of diverse functions utilize the same circuit when processing love and sex with the slight difference of placing emphasis on either the frontal area or the rear. The said frontal cortex which specializes in complicated activities like algebra, showed more activity when dealing with love and related affairs, while the rear region known mostly as the occipital cortex lit up brighter when sex was the topic in question.

The occipital region is largely involved in processing visual stimuli making the fairly obvious connection that sexual arousal borrows a lot from related visual cues. Aside from the slight change in emphasis both emotions shared a largely similar neuronal circuit. Drawing significant evidence to suggest a rather scandalous affair between love and sex.  

Aside from rebutting years of white robe preaching, these findings translates to a basic concept that both challenges and sours generations of sugar coating. Love is essentially a concrete ideal based by large on a more primal innate need for sex. The close links between sex and long standing relationships shed spotlights on the importance of sex in relationships and how neglecting the bedroom warrants a marriage between the workplace and the kitchen with little else getting in its way.

Another interesting note is the voice of advocacy which reigns strong over matters concerning sex and love, often describe romantic love as the richest of sublime human expressions and as a basis of  all social units (family) while sex is seen as a vile and vulgar expression of man’s animalistic instinct.

In light of the current findings it’s easy to deduce the importance of monogamy in institutions such as marriage. Interestingly the same findings make a strong case for being faithful in romantic relationships providing the much needed fiber of strength to an otherwise shaky expression of romantic love.

Aristotelian teachings introduce the concept of intrinsic and extrinsic goals which are defined as goals that can be achieved externally from society or internally from within the individual. Sex without love is essentially an extrinsic goal; one that lacks clear structure but appeals to the basal needs of human mortality while romantic love is an intrinsic goal and satisfies more humanistic needs such as affection and companionship nevertheless based on primary carnal needs.

In conclusion love and sex aren’t as far apart as we are lead to believe considering the physical symptoms and their likeness.

“Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go it's one of the best.” Woody Allen




By Dilshan Seneratne


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