The Insane perception of “No Pain, No Gain”!

Jan 31 2012.

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We’ve all heard the age old saying by many sports coaches; NO PAIN NO GAIN, around the world. From the 90’s western countries are deviating from this saying and train smarter with less pain producing results.
Sadly developing countries still adhere to this saying and in the process injure many young athletes psychologically and physiologically. The results are insane! Broken rib cages, dislocated knee joints, and other severely disruptive injuries that, quite obviously, are not injuries pertained to sports, especially in the context of children. Many parents and coaches put these children through severe tension, both to the mind and body, in order to pursue what may not definitely be the kids choice. Keeping this in mind, parents and coaches should realize that a talent or capability comes from within; it cannot be engraved in a child! 
Considering Sri Lanka, many of the athletes are students participating in sports at school level (age 9-18). After completing studies only a few will continue sports as a profession. In this important growth period parental support is vital to minimize injury and increase productivity in sports.


How many of your kids are playing a single sport? It’s a common mistake by Parents and Sport Coaches, which usually stress a certain muscle group (sports specific) repeatedly and result in injury. As a parent, what’s your perspective on this? Endless injuries, only to give your child a famous personality in school, together with immense pain and the probability of unexpected injuries in the long-run. 
Common Mistakes by Sports Coaches
· Asking kids to play a single sport a whole calendar year (Many countries have seasonal sports e.g. winter, summer: Cricket, swimming and racing are unlikely  sports during winter). 
· Not providing proper rest during practice sessions and pushing them hysterically like adults.
· Trying to implement training theories of professional players (for instance, at the age of 13-16, particularly, children should be consuming nutrition by the large numbers. Current trainers pertain to a strict diet method for these children in order to follow professional standards of coaching). 
· Not giving enough time to recover (Rest) between practice days.
· Complicating training methods so that kids would be psychologically stressed.
· Ignore signs of injury and not allowing time to heal the injury and recondition.
· Trying to be an all-in-one coach (Super Coach) without proper credentials and training (without referring to Doctors, Psychologist, Dietician, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Physiotherapist).
Basic Signs of Overtraining and Stress during or after Sports:
If you suspect any of the following symptoms kindly take your child to the Sports Medicine Doctor / Family Doctor so that necessary steps would be taken. This should be initiated by the schools. However, if it is not, it will be of your valuable consideration as a parent to propose proper methods for these children.
· Pain, swelling redness in any part of the body.
· Localized tenderness, loss of function, Hemorrhage.
· Pale skin.
· Disoriented, Confused, Inability concentrate, Anger, Depression. 
· Mild Fever, Headache, Abdominal Pain, Vomiting.
· Skin moist sweaty, Shivering.
· Loss of Co-ordination, muscle stiffness.
· Loss of appetite.
· Lethargy, weakness, muscle spasm.
· Hyperventilation.
· Hunger, double vision.
· Nausea, shortness of breath, wheeze, cough.
· Making excuses not to attend practice session.
Cues for Parents:
Select 2-3 sports activities that your child enjoys.
· Try to mix the sports every couple of months.
· Select a sports coach that your child likes to work with.
· Then get a health & fitness evaluation by a qualified Conditioning coach (Ex: Health History, evaluating range of motion, muscle imbalances, cardio vascular fitness, strength, sports specific assessment).
· Qualified dietician (sport specific).
· Sports Medicine Doctor.
· Physiotherapist.
It would be wise to invest on the above team of professionals when the need arises in order to make you child injure free, with optimal growth, less psychological stress, better eating patterns, quick recovery from injury and to make the selected sports fun, active and competitive. After all, this is your child. You would want to carry the pride with you, wont you?
(Written by Jessica Lord)



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