The Book Nook

Jul 10 2012.

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“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
― Mark Twain




The 50th Law of Power
By Robert Greene


From the best-selling author of “48 Laws of Power” comes his latest book “The 50th Law” - The book contains 10 chapters, the main emphasis is on overcoming fear by “BEING FEARLESS” in whatever you want to do or achieve.

Over you is the greatest enemy a man can have and that is fear.  Some are afraid to listen to the truth while others are raised on fears and lies and Robert Greene preaches you the truth until you are out of the fear psychosis that you have created for yourself.

Rs. 1,600/- Available at Serendib Bookshop (Pvt) Ltd Mount Lavinia










The Time of My Life
By Cecilia Ahern


Lose yourself in the magical world of No.1 bestselling author, Cecelia Ahern. Are you taking your life for granted? Lucy Silchester is. She’s busied herself with other stuff: friends, lives, work issues, her deteriorating car, that kind of thing. But she’s stuck in a rut - and deluding everyone. Only Lucy knows the real truth.

Time for a wake-up call - a meeting with life. And life turns out to be a kindly, rather run-down man in an old suit, who is determined to bring about change - and won’t let Lucy off the hook. Sometimes we all need to make time for our life...One of her best works – funny, touching, insightful.

Rs. 990/- Available at Serendib Bookshop (Pvt) Ltd Mount Lavinia









The Good Psychologist
By Noam Shpancer


The good psychologist teaches the principles of control and objectivity, strategies by which we evade pain, memory and lies. Meanwhile in the Centre for Anxiety Disorders he dispenses wisdom, and coaxes truth from one patient in particular: a vulnerable, frightened nightclub dancer whose life is haunted by secrets.

But as he treats and guides and teaches, the good psychologist becomes increasingly disturbed by his own private torments: unrequited love, an unacknowledged child, growing loneliness and despair. Soon he is adrift as, softly, he leads the reader into the dangerous yet seductive territory of the human heart.

Rs.1056/= Available at Makeen Books, Col 3  









Caleb's Crossing
By Geraldine Brooks


Bethia Mayfield is a young girl growing up in the tiny settlement of Great Harbor, amid a small band of pioneers and Puritans. Restless, bright and curious, but denied the education that her brothers receive, she slips away as often as she can to explore the island’s wild landscapes and observe its native Wampanoag inhabitants.

At the age of twelve, she encounters Caleb, the young son of a chieftain, and the children form a secret friendship that gradually draws each into the alien world of the other. Meanwhile, Bethia’s minister father is trying to convert the Wampanoag, awakening the wrath of the tribe’s shaman against whose magic he must test his own beliefs. And when he takes it upon himself to educate Caleb, it will further divide the communities - within a year the boy is learning Latin and Greek, and leaves the island to study at Harvard.

As Caleb makes the crossing into white culture, Bethia finds herself pulled in the opposite direction. Trapped by the narrow strictures of her faith and her gender, she seeks connections with Caleb’s world that will challenge her beliefs and set her at odds with her community...

Rs.1863/= Available at Makeen Books, Col 3 







America and the Imperialism of Ignorance
By Andrew Alexander


Power can corrupt a nation as surely as it corrupts an individual. To borrow from Lord Acton's dictum, power corrupts and superpower corrupts absolutely. When the Second World War ended, the military and economic supremacy of the USA was without parallel in history. American incomprehension of the outside world has been the chief problem in international affairs since the end of World War II.

In America and the Imperialism of Ignorance, veteran political journalist Andrew Alexander constructs a meticulous case, including evidence gleaned from the steady opening up of Soviet archives, demonstrating why this is so. From starting the Cold War to revisiting unlearned lessons upon Cuba and Vietnam, the Middle East has latterly become the arena in which the American foreign policy approach proved wretchedly consistent. This has created six decades in which war was not the last resort of diplomacy but an early option, and where peace and order breaking out was thought to be the natural conclusion of military intervention.

Alexander traces this 'shoot-first' tendency from 1945, arguing that on a grand scale the Cold War was a red herring in which the US and her proxies set out to counter a Soviet expansionism that never truly existed, and that by the time of the George W Bush era, the 'Industrial-Military- Complex' was in office offering little hope of a change in approach.

Rs. 2365/= Available at Vijitha Yapa Bookshop






In a True Light

By John Harvey

Crime & Mystery

Sloane walks free from prison after taking the rap for a high-profile art scam. A failed painter, he is now a failed forger. Awaiting him are two policemen anxious to remind him of his sins, and a letter from a woman with whom he had a passionate affair in his youth. Now dying, she summons him to tell him that he has a daughter, Connie.

Sloane agrees to return to New York, a city of potent memories, to look for his daughter. But Connie is locked in a relationship with a man the police believe has killed once and who will not hesitate to kill again.

Sloane has to decide whether to walk away or stay and fight for her. And the deeper the police dig into Vincent Delaney's business affairs, uncovering underworld associations, the more Delaney feels cornered, and the more unpredictable and dangerous he becomes...

Rs. 450/=  Available at Sarasavi Bookshop Nugegoda








God’s End the Fall
By Michael Mcbride


Every coin has two sides. As a young boy, Mewth learned he was destined for great acts - a child of God, but would he be called upon to demonstrate God's mercy or wrath? Some forty years later, on the brink of World War III in the Middle East, a resigned Mewth realizes the hand he's been dealt.

Thousands of miles away, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the coin is flipped. Phoenix, a young man prophesized to be the second coming, has been locked away and kept a secret from the world. As the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse sweep across the Earth, they bring terrible destruction and a transformation no holy book could have predicted.

Phoenix, only just discovering the world he must save, becomes the leader of humanity. He and his new friends, the survivors, must usher in a new era of life on Earth, or let it succumb to God's End.

Rs. 340/= Available at Sarasavi Bookshop Nugegoda








Mother Teresa
Missionary of Charity


As a young girl, Mother Teresa felt called to serve as a nun in India. But in 1946, as a woman living and teaching in Calcutta, she felt another call, “a call within a call,” to live among and offer free services to Calcutta’s most desperate poor.

A home for the dying, an orphanage, a leper colony, various medical centers, and countless homeless shelters sprung up in Calcutta, thanks to her work as part of the Missionaries of Charity. But Mother Teresa’s call to the downtrodden would soon transcend Asia, and her diminutive figure would soon become synonymous worldwide with compassion. Mother Teresa sought out those less fortunate that they, above all, might be empowered. . .empowered by Jesus’ love.

Available at Pragna Publishers (Gte) Ltd, No 5 P.T De Silva Mw, Dehiwala. Tel-O777008997- 2712631










To Heaven And Back (True Story)
By Mary C. Neal

A kayak accident during a South American adventure takes one woman to heaven — where she experienced God's peace, joy, and angels — and back to life again. In 1999 in the Los Rios region of southern Chile, orthopedic surgeon, devoted wife, and loving mother Dr. Mary Neal drowned in a kayak accident.

While cascading down a waterfall, her kayak became pinned at the bottom and she was immediately and completely submerged. Despite the rescue efforts of her companions, Mary was underwater for too long, and as a result, died. To Heaven and Back is Mary's remarkable story of her life's spiritual journey and what happened as she moved from life to death to eternal life, and back again. Detailing her feelings and surroundings in heaven, her communication with angels, and her deep sense of sadness when she realized it wasn't her time, Mary shares the captivating experience of her modern-day miracle.

Mary's life has been forever changed by her newfound understanding of her purpose on earth, her awareness of God, her closer relationship with Jesus, and her personal spiritual journey suddenly enhanced by a first-hand experience in heaven. To Heaven and Back will reacquaint you with the hope, wonder, and promise of heaven, while enriching you own faith and walk with God.

Rs.2,500/= Available at



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