Stress busters

Nov 07 2012.

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The word 'stress' is perhaps the most overused and underrated in modern day usage. Think about it, how much would you care if someone said they were really stressed out as opposed to if they said they were contemplating suicide?

Stress is an influence to many undesirable consequences that range all the way from poor work performance, depression to biological illness. Like most chronic illnesses stress too builds over time causing gradual ebbs in performance and quality of life which most of us hardly notice and begin to accept as our maximum in time.

Simple tweaks to your lifestyle can fix most stress related issues and should be seriously entertained.
Run it out
Nothing is a better fix for a stressful day than a jog or hitting the gym, but be warned some of us don’t revel in physical activity as much as others, so in a way it’s a matter of whether or not it’s up your alley.
Aside from the obvious emotional exhilaration of sweating it out, exercise whether it be kick boxing, basketball or a simple jog releases a lot of anatomical chemistry which in turn serves to reduce stress levels.

Power nap
Most often stress is just a matter of broken rest. Not getting the desired amount of sleep at the right time can be as much a cause of high stress levels as being overworked.
A quick nap or even a longer one if time allows, will help you get back to things with a renewed spirit.
The age old saying “sleep on it” is a reference to this very fact. Sometimes it’s just too difficult to think when your mind is cluttered and stressed; a quick nap will put things in fresh perspective.

While some of us withdraw into our shells to unwind there are some others who prefer company and loud noises in order to reduce stress levels.
This type of extraverted behaviour helps to de-stress by the power of laughter, music and conversation, a time tested formula.
An added benefit that is derived from socializing to reduce stress, is seeking the counsel of friends and family which happens to be a very healthy way to deal with stress.

Escapism is simply put as distracting oneself from everyday stressors. Escapism is a hugely popular art in modern society with large portions of our time divided between multiple modals of escapism that range from TV, Youtube, Facebook, music, movies and rarely even books.
The good thing about escapism is that it helps to occupy your attention away from what troubles you and redirect it to a calmer place.
The only con of using this method is the risk of developing dependency and in turn running away from stressing situations that are nevertheless an inevitable part of our lives. 



This one sounds very simple but there isn’t a better way to steady your mind than to take a deep breath, clear your mind and let go of all your negative emotions.
Most of the time we are so attached to the negative feelings we feel, most of the stress we feel is actually a result of that attachment. Breaking away from those feelings help recollect and reorganize our thoughts.

Spoil yourself

Take a weekend out for yourself, do what you enjoy doing and relax somewhere that feels like home. Beaches are common getaways and so are places like expensive resorts and mountains.
Whatever it is that fits your taste, and yearnings are the best places to go to.  
By Dilshan Senaratne


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