Sri Siddhartha Gautama – the movie

Oct 22 2012.

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The much looked-forward-to epic movie ‘Sri Siddhartha – Gautama’ which is in its editing stage now, is expected to hit the silver screens in Sri Lanka early next year while the trailers are due to be released in cinemas soon.

The film produced by Navin Gunaratne on behalf of the Light of Asia Foundation and co-produced by Jeff Gunawardane was directed by Saman Weeraman.

Veteran K. D. Dayananda has handled the cinematography while Chandran Rutnam was the advisor to the Producer and Director.

“The story depicts the period between the birth of Prince Siddhartha and the enlightenment. The lead role is played by Delhi boy Gagan Malik who was chosen following an audition of more than 300 aspirants in India. We had however decided not to cast a Sri Lankan artiste for the title role. Among the other Sri Lankan artistes who play key roles in the movie are Ranjan Ramanayake as King Suddhodana, Jeevan Kumaratunga as King Bimbisara, Buddhadasa Vithanachchi as Vishvamitra, Saranga  Dissasekara as Prince Channa and others including Wilson Gunaratne, Roshan Ranawana and Dushyanth Weeraman,” said director Saman Weeraman.

The cast includes Gagan Malik, Anchal Singh (Yashodhara), Anshu Malik (Queen Mahamaya), Angie Perera (Prajapathi), Ranjan Ramanayake (King Suddhodana), Gautam Gulat (Devadatta), Buddhadasa Vithanachchi, Jeevan Kumaratunga, Wilson Gunaratne, Saranga Dissasekara, Roshan Ranawana, Dushyanth Weeraman and several others.

Jayantha Ranawaka has handled the make up, Pradeep Rathnayake the music, Architect Roshan Chandraratne the set designing and art direction, Kaushi Wickremasinghe the casting coordination while Channa Wijewardana, Ravibandu Vidyapathi and Rangana Ariyadasa handled the choreography. Producer Navin Gunaratne is the Production Designer, Praveen Jayaratne the editor. Angela Fernando and Amarasiri Peiris have sung the songs penned by Ven. Rambukkana Siddhartha Thera and Ven. Pallegama Hemarathana Thera.

Director Weeraman says the demand for the film is increasing significantly with many countries apart from the 41 Buddhist nations, expressing enthusiasm.

“There are no religious sentiments in the movie. It is all about humanity, love, peace and compassion. We want the whole world to watch this because it relates to human beings. On the other hand I wish to stress that there is an interesting mix in the movie itself. The lead role is played by a Hindu, Prince Siddhartha’s father is played by a Catholic actor while the childhood of the Prince Is played by a Muslim child. ,” he said.


-  Ramesh Uvais




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