Shiran Sylva: One and Only Singing Pilot

Aug 01 2012.

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In a world where people generally master one art, here’s one rare multi-talented star who has excelled in many spheres.

Captain Shiran A. Sylva who flies for SriLankan Airlines has proven his prowess as an actor in movies like Asai Mang Piyambanna and Suwanda Danuna Jeewithe. He later acted in Paba and has now become a household name with his popular role as Mr. Wickremanayake in the Ama tele drama.

In an interview with Daily Mirror Impulse, Shiran goes down memory lane evoking tuneful recollections especially during his schooldays at St. Anthony’s Wattala where his artistic talents began to emerge. But his mother Maureen had wanted her third son to become more studious instead of taking up music and arts.

Later he moved to Ananda College Colombo from where he joined the then Air Lanka as an apprentice aircraft mechanic following in the footsteps of his father Sydney Sylva who was an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer / Manager for British Airways. Then Shiran climbed the ladder becoming an aircraft maintenance engineer, then a flight engineer, a pilot and now captain and also a film star, tele star and singing star. This is the first time in history that an aircraft engineer has risen to the heights of a commander flying A 320 and A 330 aircrafts.

“I am always grateful to God for his blessings, my wife Ruvina, my parents, family, my teachers, senior engineers, my superiors / senior pilots and many friends and relatives who helped me to achieve this position today,” Shiran said in an appreciative tone.


How do you find time to dabble in your profession and arts?

In my list of priorities, my job is topmost. It’s my life. Our company is expanding to keep pace with the country’s vast development programmes. It is indeed the dawn of a new era to which we all contribute ungrudgingly. We are covering more routes and touching new destinations with the expansion. As UL employees we are all committed to our jobs. Acting and music are my hobbies. But I always commit myself fully to whatever I do. I have declined several acting offers because the top priority is my job.


Despite your uniqueness as an actor, you have not received any awards in recognition of your hardwork and dedication. 

Laughs… That’s totally beyond my control or understanding. I have attended several film and tele award ceremonies. Maybe I will be able to tell you someday how it feels to go up and receive an award. It will indeed boost the talents and abilities of recipients.


How important are awards for an actor?

Don’t single out actors. It feels good for anybody in any profession to receive a token of appreciation for the good work they do. 


Your milestones as an actor which has made you a popular face in the country?

My role in Asai Mang Piyambanna is indeed a memorable one. I was chosen by director Udayakantha for Asai Mang Piyambanna. Shantha Soysa chose me for Paba after he saw me singing at a cultural show in London. I acted in Suwanda Danuna Jeewithe thanks to Jayanath Gunawardana and Dhammika Siriwardana. I play white collar executive roles in films and teles not because I cannot play diverse characters, but simply because I have to maintain my professional dignity.

I guess art-wise I was inspired by my paternal grandfather Mudliyar Alex Sylva who was a well-known Horticulturist while maneuvering skills must have come from my maternal grandfather Benedict Perera who was a CGR Engine Driver. 

Shiran is the third in a family of four boys. His brother Susantha is a University of London post grad, Dr. Lalendra resides in the UK while Capt. Tilak flies for the same airline. In my music career I am grateful to my wife Ruvina who has penned several songs for me, my music director Nirantha Alexander and recording engineer Augustine Fernando.


Why haven’t you put out a music album of your own?

I think everything is designed and planned from up and above. The day I plan to launch my music album is not too far.


Any visuals and television interviews?

Locally it’s not that significant, but I launched my own songs at the SLBC programme presented by veteran Harold Fernando. Those six songs are being aired now. Many songs with my visuals and interviews have been telecast in Rome-based Sri TV headed by Thushara Kurera covering more than 150 countries. I am also involved in a lot of charity work helping all communities.



By Ramesh Uvais


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