Sharmila Ruberu and Punya Athukorala

May 07 2013.

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From their humble beginnings as housewives, gifted with an artistic flair for designing and tailoring for friends and family; Sharmila Ruberu and Punya Athukorala have been propelled into the spotlight after having won the prestigious P&G Gen-Next Award at the recently held HSBE Colombo Fashion Week 2013 for their debut fashion line ‘ARRA’.  

Having garnered the recognition of the fashion community, these two talented women are now filled with the passion and drive needed to successfully launch themselves into the fashion industry with their unique collection of stylish ladies wear.




When did you start designing?

Officially it was for HSBC CFW 2013! It was a very bold and spontaneous decision we took. Taking in to account that we have never had any formal training what so ever in the field of fashion designing! It is something instinctive, something that has always been in us but never really had an opportunity to take to another level.


Do you work on designs together or separately? How does it work?

Most times separately, but together as well, given that we both are mothers and have numerous responsibilities and so many other day to day things that require our attention on an 'all the time' basis! But we always sit and discuss and make any adjustments or changes if any and what ever we collectively 'feel' right for the designs, together.

Also we make clutch bags out of raw silk. That again is something we have never had any training in, formal or informal. It was just something that just came to us through trial and error until we got it right! Its 100% hand made and we enjoy and have fun creating such pieces even though it can be quite stressful at times but the end result makes it all worthwhile.




What’s the meaning behind the name ‘ARRA’?

We came up with the name sometime back when we started to design on a very informal level for our friends and people known to us. The meaning behind the name ARRA is 'an opinion of style'. That too came about by chance. We were just browsing for a name for our label and when the term ARRA came up it simply struck a chord! 

What was your experience like taking part in the HSBC Colombo Fashion Week?

It was again something that just crossed our mind one evening while having a chat and just the thought of 'WHAT IF we get selected to showcase even though we have had no formal training what so ever?'. We took that chance and emailed HSBC CFW only to find out that the closing date for applications was a mere 1 1/2 days away! But we didn't give up. We immediately got going; we sat down and put down the designs together, filled in the registration forms and sent it off dangerously close to the cut off line!

Taking part in the HSBC CFW 2013 was nerve wracking as much as it was exhilarating to say the least!! And we were actually learning as we went along! 


Your thought’s on winning the Gen–Next Award?

To be very honest we were in total shock! It is a great blessing indeed!


Who or what are your biggest influences when it comes to the business?

We haven't formally gotten in to the 'business’ side of it yet. But we are testing our waters. We would take a chance in that as well as there is absolutely nothing we cannot do if we put our hearts and mind to it. It just takes a lot of hard work and commitment. What's most important is how passionate you are about it and how well you want to enjoy the long road to success! It will not be easy but we would take that chance!



Do you have any hobbies, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Music, books, being creative, our children, you name it and we'll find a way to enjoy doing it! What's the fun if not?!! :)


What are some of the biggest trials and blessings you've faced so far?

Thankfully not many trials as opposed to blessings! We are brimming with new ideas and will work hard at making them a reality. Simply enjoying the journey!


Who are you most grateful for regarding your success in life?

It is each and everyone closest to our hearts. They have all been pillars of strength, encouraging us to grow and to do what we love doing. Always making us feel we can do it!






By Lake Argent

Pics by Kithsiri de Mel


  1. W.J. Surresh says:

    Asian Educational Services, India Hi Sharmila, Hope you remember me. Books on Ceylon publishers from India. Good to see this news. best wishes

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