Sex Myth Busters: Tall boys have...

May 11 2012.

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Sex Myth Busters: Tall boys have larger penises
(Size is sometimes attributed to large feet, and sometimes particular ethnic groups)
The answer is that every penis is different.  There is no best or optimum size for effective sexual intercourse.  An average adult penis at rest is about 8 to 10 cm from tip to base.  As a teenager, you have a while to wait till your mid-twenties before you reach that size.  
There are a few important things we need to know about the male genitalia.  
The first sign that Testosterone is kick starting pubertal change in the boy’s body is a thickening and darkening of the scrotum (the bags of skin behind the penis that contain the testis).  This happens when a boy is anywhere between 9 and 14 years old.  It is after this that the penis begins to get longer and thicker.  Each boy will develop at a different rate.  It will take till the early 20’s for a male penis to reach its adult potential.  Even then, every person’s is uniquely different.
To most boys and men, the penis is, consciously or unconsciously, one of the most important things in the whole world.  Some even give it a name!  Young boys compare their size and a slower developer is often laughed and bullied.  This obsession with  size  is promoted by porn.  
Why this obsession with size?  It’s because we think our sexual power determines our personal value.  
We think: 
Huge shlong = sexually potent = strong = worthwhile, valuable; 
Wee willy = sexually impotent = weak = worthless
The fact is: there’s no relationship between size and sexual performance.  Absolutely none.  Anyway, most are about the same size when erect.   What’s more, research shows us that most women aren’t interested in size.  They would rather have a man interested in romancing and pleasuring them than one who is proud of the size of his masculine ‘member’.  In fact some women dislike a large ones- it makes them anxious.  Then when they are anxious, they don’t get aroused and have pain.
A warning: some companies exploit society’s obsession with size by advertising penis-enlarging creams and pills.  Don’t buy them.  They’re a con.  Research shows that it’s impossible to increase size through anything other than surgery – and even surgery doesn’t always give satisfactory results.  
(The Author of this article, Patricia Weerakoon  is a medical doctor turned Sexologist and Writer based in Sydney, Australia) 


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