Secret Single Behavior (SSB)

Mar 07 2012.

views 1157


  1. magi says:

    LOL! everyone has a SSB, i think its healthy.... and necessary to blow off steam and just be yourself...and the best part it since its a SECRET and SINGLE act no one gets hurt/embarrassed etc..! :)

  2. T says:

    This is hilarious! I don't think even I would like to admit to what crazy things I do when I'm all alone. Except I have had moments where my father walked in on me doing a wild cat move :D

  3. Amangi says:

    I like to pretend I'm being interviewed on a talk show and talk out loud like I'm answering what the host is asking me. Sad but true. lol.

  4. Kesh says:

    Well, If I talk about mine , it is possibly talking to myself. I do that a lot. It is awesome to have a conversation with myself and then find answers to the questions that I ask from myself. I hope that is a SSB

  5. Anj says:

    I have so many SSB moments..talking ot my self very ANIMATEDLY would be one :) its fun..its a great de-stress and it helps you calm your self and think clearly..SSB moments are all about being ur self :)

  6. Ruks says:

    haha this is funny indeed!! :) used (USED TO, sober now!) to bite my toe nails!! does that count??

  7. S says:

    Hahahah ! This is very funny and very true! and it's nice to know articles like this are written now! i mean who can't relate to this? Sure everyone hides something of this nature but the truth is everyone is guilty of doing it! lol ! during my SSB moment i win all my arguments that i have with my boyfriend! :)

  8. vn says:

    actually come to think of it, Im sure I have loads of SSB's. This article is brilliant :)

  9. Rudy says:

    Hahaha! SSB is my forte. Props to individuality any day :)

  10. Jo says:

    It's pretty nice and fun to read everyone's SSB...makes you feel that no matter what crazy thing you do when you are by yourself there are others out there doing their own thing as feel connected in some way..

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