Savitha Sastry: Narrating a modern story in an ancient art form

Jun 21 2012.

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Flowing elegance, breathtaking, moves like a temple sculpture come to life’ said the San Francisco Voice of Savitha Sastry. Danseuse Sastry is a leading advocator of Bharthanatyam, the classical Indian dance form hailing from Tamil Nadu and rooted in ancient history. ‘Soul Cages’ is her second production, which she has performed to great acclaim in New Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata and Mumbai. She will be performing ‘Soul Cages’ at the Bishops College Auditorium in Colombo on Saturday, July 7, 2012. Admission, as always, will be free: she has never danced for financial gain.

An extremely talented danseuse, Savitha Sastry stands apart even amongst her most talented peers with her combination of perfect techniques and innovative spirit. She is that rare artiste who wins over both the purist and the not-conversant. She has the ability, according to A.K.Srikanth, the author of ‘Soul Cages’, to “bring any story to life when she steps underneath the spotlight.”

Sastry is deeply grounded in the Bharthanatyam tradition but in keeping with her goal of taking the art form to a much wider and more diverse audience, she imbues it with meaning that is relevant in this present age without losing its aesthetic and cultural integrity.

As a solo dancer she is a pioneer in using the Bharthanatyam form to create new choreographies and narratives, allowing the modern viewer to connect with the entire performance. The result of her pioneering spirit is proof that Bharthanatyam is indeed a universal art form that can be appreciated by one and all.

Her effortlessness and grace originate from a disciplined practice of yoga. Hard work and constant training is requisite from any Bharthanatyam dancer. This rigorous discipline she imbues with her daring for improvisation, enthralling audiences in India and abroad.



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