Reasons for those sleepless nights

Oct 12 2012.

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Sleep is one of the most rewarding experiences for most adults who go through their day looking forward to the bliss of hitting their pillows. Imagine having to go through a busy day, hitting the sack and being unable to drift off to dreamland. Inability to sleep plagues many individuals of varying ages.
Let me start off by saying Insomnia is a clinical condition which requires professional medical intervention, this article only tries to alleviate sleeping problems not cure sleep disorders. A few fixes to your lifestyle may be the answer to getting that valuable shut eye time you crave. 



Caffeine isn’t a quick fix




Wonderful as caffeine is to keep you awake through those long drawn boring meetings; it can also last a very long time following its initial consumption time. The standard time span of caffeine is approximately 5 hours.
After the first wave of the reaction is distributed to all cellular structures of your body, the internal workings of your system gets rid of half the stuff in five hours, three quarters in ten hours and seven eighths in fifteen hours.
The easy conclusion to draw is that the caffeine in your morning cup of coffee is still running around in your system when you’re ready to get some sleep. Most of us rid our systems of caffeine much slower which means over time the caffeine in your system plays a large accumulated role of keeping you awake all through the day. 

Counting hours




This is a common reason for inability to fall asleep, remember that time you had something important to do in the morning and you got to bed a little later than you would’ve liked?
Also remember how you counted the hours of sleep you could squeeze in before you had to wake up and prepare for your big day? Thinking about sleep is one of the worst ways to fall asleep.
The condition is known as psychophysiological insomnia and is one of the most common forms of insomnia to affect working professionals who have meetings and work appointments to look forward to (or dread) in the morning. 

Boozing yourself to sleep




Alcohol is considered as a pro-sleep intoxicant by many, some even going the extent of using alcohol as their sleeping pill. The problem with this very well laid out plan is that alcohol causes the brain to rouse itself 15 to 20 times more than normal.
Most people wouldn’t notice these awakenings mainly because you need to be awake for 6 to 8 minutes to remember it as a waking experience. A random fact that also needs to be considered is that alcohol exerts twice to thrice the usual impact it has on the brain past 12 midnight when compared with 6 pm. 





Tobacco also causes a great deal of insomnia due to the nicotine craving it creates in regular smokers. The brain rouses itself 20 times more in smokers than in an average person due to the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.




By Dilshan Senaratne 


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