Random sex facts you didn’t know

Sep 06 2012.

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To the average man or woman sex is very little outside of steamy movie scenes or their own antics in the bedroom and with due reason too. 
However the artistry of sex is a long standing one that has reinvented itself over years and years of experimentation and ecstasy. The little known facts about sex just might be what you’re lacking in the bedroom and even if not, a little trivia on sex never hurt anyone.
Interestingly the taboo of sex is a long standing one and is manifested in our reluctance to talk or act within its contexts in public. The practice is hardwired so deep into our psyches that it’s been found that a quarter of men are insistent on turning the bedroom lights off during the act.
Sex among its many obvious benefits also releases endorphins a natural painkiller found in our bodies that is found to be more potent than Valium when dealing with pain. The feel good hormones and chemicals secreted during sex is alleged to create an overall sense of wellbeing.


An average of 200 calories are burned during 30 minutes of active intercourse and actually qualifies sex as a moderate intensity exercise possibly preferred to walking. 

In addition semen is found to be high in calcium and zinc chemicals known to be effective against tooth decay while also possessing proteins capable of nourishing the skin. No implications made whatsoever.

A not so reliable finding suggests that eating celery causes a chemical reaction in men which may excrete pheromones to attract females through their odour. In case this turns out to be a lie at least you get your daily serving of green leaves. 


One of the most common sexual fantasies in women is a fireman uniform, 75% of women attested the fact on a survey done by Glamour Magazine USA. 

Crocodile excrements were the contraceptive of choice in ancient Egypt while ancient Chinese used a glans condom which only covered the top portion of the male organ. 

The founder of Kellog’s Cornflakes believed that a healthy diet will reduce the occurrence of sexual thought and was one of the guiding visions to creating the world famous breakfast cereal.

It’s believed that the difficulty of lying to someone is increased if you are sexually attracted to him/her.

Erotic photographs and other visual cues stimulate an area in the brain known as Nucleus Accumbens and is capable of urging you to spend more liberally and be less cautious about financial risks. 

Now you know why sex sells.


The biochemical functions of eating a large quantity of chocolates is the same as that which occurs when having sex. 

Humans are one of three known species to have sex outside of their instincts and for what is assumed to be with the motive of pleasure in mind. 


Article by Dilshan Senaratne



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