Quickie 101

Feb 06 2013.

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We’ve all had them and in terms of intensity nothing beats them. I’m of course talking about quickies, the five minute sex sessions you sneak into your workday and the quickest fix for any mood you’re suffering from. It’s perhaps one of the most convenient acts known to man, and men around the world are loyal patrons of having a quickie.
The main appeal of a quick sex break is that very little planning goes into the process and the entire act is based on achieving pleasure, an almost animalistic expression of desire. As charming as it is to take your woman and have your way with her, sex is a two-way street and following the wrong ethos in your sex life almost always leads to disaster and the same is true about quickies as unfortunate as it may seem.
I know it sounds odd but yes foreplay is a mandatory part of a good quickie and it doesn’t mean your five minutes of pleasure suddenly became an hour long foot rub. Foreplay is a largely misunderstood concept by men who believe that foreplay is about sensuous massages and oral play; yes all those things are excellent examples of foreplay but what most men don’t realize is that foreplay also branches out into word play and texting.

The trick is to keep her stimulated and that goal is easily achievable with a well thought out text message during work hours. The merit of foreplay is that it leaves her more open to the prospect of a five minute quickie whenever you fancy.
Set it up
Keep her informed about your intentions when you decide on it, that is not to say that you should give her a warning of what your plans are for the evening but compliment her with a sexual subtext or simply state your intentions in a flirty way to let her in on the loop. This also serves the purpose of leaving her expecting something which will stimulate her.
Kiss her
We understand that the urgency of having a quickie is part of its charm but be sure to kiss her long and hard before you get down to business, it’ll help loosen her up and also prevent her feeling objectified.
Sex is a lot more of an emotional act for women than it is for men and it’s always advisable to keep your woman feeling secure within the act.
Shower her with compliments. If you think about it a quickie is a one way thing, most women on average require 20 minutes of sexual stimulation to achieve an orgasm, so a quickie necessarily means that you’ll be the only one getting anywhere worthwhile. Try and make up for what she’s missing out on with a few compliments about her body.
Make sure she’s sufficiently lubricated before you get into it, the last thing you need is for her to have friction burns to remember you by once you’re done. If she isn’t exactly wet, make sure to use lubrication so as to make the experience pleasurable for her as well as for you.
Don’t set ambience

Forget about dim lights and scented candles, there’s no need to set up the scene or even take her to bed for a five minute session. Setting up the scene like this will only raise her expectations and she will be disappointed when it ends too fast for her liking.
One of the reasons why quickies are so appealing is due to their unconventional situations. Do it somewhere you’re not supposed to do it so as to increase the levels of excitement. 
Be attentive
You don't have to "cuddle" for a long time but don't let her feel objectified. If you were watching TV, have her sit with you and put your arm around her; if she was in the middle of cooking  go into the kitchen after a few minutes and tell her you love her.
It’s important that she knows what just occurred had a lot to do with her and wasn’t all about you. Many women feel their most vulnerable after sex, so it’s a good idea to remember that.
By Dilshan Senaratne 


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