Psychotherapy And How To Use It

Nov 23 2011.

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What is psychotherapy? What type of therapy is best, and who can benefit? How can one find a good therapist? The issue of psychotherapy can be very confusing for the average, or even sophisticated consumer. In these days of budget cuts and managed care, there is considerable competition for the insurance provider's money. The ability to show, through research models, the effectiveness of a therapy, has become important. 

Yet, it takes an expert knowledge of clinical issues and research methods to properly interpret research data.
Unfortunately, research often ends up being interpreted in a superficial manner, allowing researchers and insurance providers to promote barely adequate forms of treatment. 
There are many types of psychotherapy, each one may be beneficial depending on your needs and personality. It is important that the style of the therapist and therapy appeals to you, though, as therapy is often designed to bring out uncomfortable feelings, it is natural to have mixed feelings about your therapist. A good therapist will want you to discuss these feelings and will help you to deal with them. Various forms of therapy tend to have different goals.
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy:
This form of therapy encourages the exploration of conscious and unconscious emotional issues. It is the form of therapy most suited to helping people understand and deal with their emotional responses to conflictive relationships. In young adults, relationship problems, whether with their family, peers or professors, are often at the root of feelings of depression and anxiety. Most people find themselves caught up in repeated patterns of relating to others. When these patterns cause emotional mayhem, psychodynamic therapy can help a person make significant changes in how they see and interact with their world. This therapy analyses an individual's present responses to relationships, including the relationship with the therapist, and links this to the way they have come to see the world and themselves. Through this experiential process, the way a person naturally feels about themselves and the world can change. Psychodynamic therapy varies in length of treatment, depending on the nature of the problem. There are numerous short-term models of psychodynamic therapy which can be appropriate for various problems.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy:
Interpersonal Psychotherapy (ITP) is derived from psychodynamic psychotherapy. It is based on clinical experience and research that indicates that many depressions involve difficulties in dealing with relationships. In this form of therapy, the focus will largely be on an individual's current relationships and how that individual perceives the relationships in his life.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy:
Cognitive behavior therapy was derived from the theory that cognitions (thoughts) give rise to emotions. Through trying to identify and control negative thoughts, this form of therapy hopes to help people feel less depressed or anxious. It is primarily focused on sign control, and is most helpful when signs seem to have taken on a life of their own. It is useful in the treatment of phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic attacks. In the treatment of depression it can help people feel more in control of their feelings.
Focused Integrative Rapprochement Short Term Therapy:
This form of therapy recognizes the effective elements of varied forms of therapy and focuses the therapy for each individual. This is not just an assortment of different therapies. Starting with a proper empathic interview to begin to understand the issues and needs of each individual, this therapy will use multiple therapeutic techniques aimed at promoting emotional growth. Like the person in therapy, the therapy itself may adapt over time as the person's needs and emotional awareness changes. This therapy takes advantage of the natural developmental potential of the young adult period. Emphasis may be placed on exploring the changing balances in one's life; between one's strengths and one's perceived vulnerabilities, or one's drive towards independence and one's recognition of the importance of relationships and social ties. The philosophy that an individual not only has to learn to live in the world, but also has a need to create a world in which one can live is fundamental to this form of therapy.
When an individual decides to attain therapeutic support, he must believe that it is as normal as seeing your family doctor. Seeing a psychologist (or ‘Shrink’ as people have now christened Psychologists to their own comfort and periodical belief that psychological support may ‘shrink’ a personality to believing he is not normal) does not mean that you are abnormal of some sort or that you cannot determine average human behavior. People, at some stage or another, rely on others for support. Psychologists/Psychiatrists are merely professionals and trained personnel in providing such support. In a broader point of view, receiving psychological treatment is as similar as seeing your Physician. Just like support is needed for good health, support is needed for good mentality. Psychological treatment is normal. If it is not, well then, no human being is normal in the first place. Everyone has a problem in their own way. Perceiving it as positive or negative is in your hands… in this context, it’s in your head….
( Text by Jessica Lord )



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