Priya looking for Star Kids

Jul 23 2012.

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Popular actress and tele drama director/producer Priya Ranasinghe is planning to direct a new tele drama based on a popular novel but in an unprecedented move she hopes to cast star kids in the main roles to add some novelty to it.

Priya said the story revolves around four main characters depicting four different stages.

“I am looking for males and females between 6 and 27 years to play these different roles. I want to cast children of artistes for these main roles. They can be children of actors, actresses, singers, dramatists, musicians or anyone belonging to any field of arts. My intention is to thus create a bond between the new and old generations. Anyone within this age group – irrespective of whether they act now or not, can contact me for further details. I hope this concept will add a lot of colour to my 40-episode youth drama,” said Priya Ranasinghe who could be contacted on 0773-731515.    


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