Power Foods

Jun 18 2012.

views 1089



From zero calorie diets to protein overdoses, the modern day fitness fanatic has seen it all and tried too many of them for his own wellbeing, and yet nutritionists are still on the hunt for the holy grail of the perfect diet to satisfy a never ending demand for the perfect body.

Since Leonardo Davinci established the golden ratio of proportion mankind has been on the hunt to achieving it and generations after one another are falling short of the target in a pitiful fashion. Obesity is hitting the charts as the most threatening of all fatal causalities rendering millions of careless adolescents adults and children alike helpless in the face of an inevitable end buried under layers of suffocating fat of our own making.

From binge eaters to comfort seekers and the everyday lazy bum, obesity comes in a one size fits all package of low self esteem and increased health risks dubbed in America as mankind’s next most threatening killer. The sheer lack of motivation to escape the absurdity is as tragic as the failure to escape it due to misinformation. Contrary to popular myths staying in shape isn’t a stressful chore and can be achieved by relatively low levels of exercise and moderate alterations to dietary habits.

A general notion held with regard to diets follow that nothing of culinary pleasure can be included in these restricting diets, the fact of the matter however is that these so called diets are rigorous measures to achieve bodies that most of us will never have in our lifetimes. A few servings of the following food types combined with a morning jog will show results in no time.





Nuts are proof that taste and good eating goes hand in hand. Nuts are packed with monounsaturated fats referred more commonly to as good fats which contribute to clearing up arteries. A handful of nuts also have the added benefit of suppressing appetite helping to manage those hunger pangs. Nuts interestingly also help in muscle building which is an indirect and pleasing contributor to burning fat.




Milk gets very little credit and press coverage for the host of benefits it stocks up on partially due to the recognition milk receives as a primary contributor to Calcium. Calcium interestingly has been found in a study carried out by the University of Tennessee to help in burning fat at almost double the propensity owing to the mineral quality of assisting in breaking down of fat and restricting fat formation. In addition milk also has a high Protein content and is mostly composed of Casein Protein a slow burning protein type that fuels muscles over longer durations of time. Milk being a liquid also has the added benefit of filling up the stomach much faster thus ensuring lower quantities of consumption.




Oats aren’t consumed nearly as much as they should be considering that oats are probably the best food item when compared to others that offer the same benefits in terms of taste. Instant oatmeal is highly convenient and isn’t too hard on the taste buds. Oatmeal has high energy content and an almost nonexistent fat constituent. The complex Carbohydrates fuel the body through very long durations of time not to mention the high dietary fiber content. Fiber binds itself to fatty acids in the body and forces them out causing more fats to be pulled in from the liver creating an optimum environment for fat loss. Finally last but not least Oats fight against a host of diseases ranging from colon cancer to cholesterol and coronary heart disease.





Egg protein is debated to be the best form of natural protein for muscle building complete with vitamin A and B12 which are necessary for fat breakdown. However eggs need be consumed in moderation partly due to the fact that two eggs by themselves add up to the recommended daily dosage of cholesterol. However most of the bad cholesterol can be taken out by separating the yolk from the egg white since the yolk has most of the cholesterol.


Peanut Butter



Peanut butter makes the list due to convenience coupled with nutrient content. Peanut Butter contains high levels of protein and monounsaturated fats topped by Vitamin E which contribute to being a very healthy combination. Once again moderation is key and small servings regularly will help reap the benefits of the food item.

In conclusion a few basics to keep in mind are to consume several servings of food throughout the day consisting of smaller serving sizes and also to incorporate physical activity into all aspects of your daily routine. These activities can range from taking the bus to taking the stairs, simple acts that elevate your pulse rate above the basal value will contribute in a good way on the long run. Always remember fitness isn’t a chore it’s a way of life.    




(By Dilshan Seneratne)


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