Popular Femme Fantasies

Oct 15 2012.

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Sex is an area of taboo where the decision making power is largely centralized around the domineering male gender, with women limited to their consent and little other choice in the matter.
With the gender revolution, soaring feminism gender roles in sexual contexts also need serious facelifts and are already in place to an extent with largely popular dominatrix archetypes being popularized through the media.
Sexual fantasies and fetishes are popular among men and serve well to shape and structure the adult media as it should. The severe lacking of information on female fantasies is a large gap in these media forms, one that need be filled. Here are a few known fantasies that women harbour in their psyches.


Dominatrix is a popular fantasy among men and women commonly, owing mainly to the reversal of gender roles. For men its main appeal is in being controlled and dominated by a female, a rare occurrence in everyday life.
Also by switching roles the entire focus of the act switches to favour the man with the woman literally on top. For women the fantasy holds charm due to their ability to take charge and call shots as they see fit, in a way conquering their man.
This may offer some psychological satisfaction to women who otherwise hold insecurities and worries about their relationships. Regardless of reasons for its appeal, the fantasy is a popular one.

Shades of Grey



The stereotypical dominating man is also a popular fantasy without regard for its conventional status, the man on top fantasy allows otherwise weak men to equal their potentially more successful partners in bed while offering the partner a chance to take the backseat.
This type of fantasy is often common among women who are over achieving and independent, who might have a secret yearning for being dominated by a man.
The beauty however is that even otherwise meek women might find this fantasy alluring to let a man take over and control them, thus keeping them within their comfort zone.




Out of the many possible scenarios that intimate role play may be formed by, the classroom setting, or the teacher and student roles are a popular one.
One reason for this being that an untold level of dominance occupies both roles, where the teacher is by convention an authority figure, while the student role comes with the dominance of knowing that the teacher is seduced.
Along with the role attributes, the taboo nature of the entire scene also appeals to the participants while the regression factor that associates often non liberated frustrations from college may also be relieved. All in all the student teacher role play is a strong note to take to the bedroom with.

One Night Stand

Having a one nighter with a stranger is on the top of many women’s fantasy list, the elements of surprise and mystery contributes to the large popularity enjoyed by the fantasy.
The one night setting allows a woman to let go beyond conventional antics due to the freedom and lack of responsibility that need be observed.
These types of relationships come with no strings attached and offer the perfect escapade for adventurous spirits otherwise suppressed by social obligations. The satisfying exhilaration is reason enough to put this one on the top.


Not a raving popularity but an acquired taste, voyeurism allows women to enjoy a no holds barred fantasy at the expense of someone else. Even though men take the large part of the rap for being voyeurs, women aren’t too far behind.
Also the adrenaline rush of watching without being caught adds to the thrill. Exhibitionism is another branch off of this fantasy. 

Private Dancer

This one is fairly commonly occurring wherein the woman gets the chance to be the star of the show in the safety of her bedroom, dancing and stripping for her partner.
This type of fantasy requires a level of comfort in the relationship or a very bold female partner, whichever it may be, the fantasy is a satisfying one.
By Dilsahn Senaratne
This article is a result of the author’s own research into the subject and is not to be taken as a professional viewpoint.









  1. Jayantha Fernando says:

    here is one writer who is bold enough to write on topics he wants to write about. very well written and kuddos to LIFE DM for facilitating these kinds of diversified topics. Well done!

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