Apr 23 2012.

views 890


The impression you give at a job interview is often far more important than
whether you can actually do the job.  Do you sell yourself short or could
over-confidence be your problem?

You have a job interview in half an hour.  Do you feel calm and well prepared or
are you a bundle of nerves?  Perhaps you are one of those lucky people who impress your
prospective boss as soon as you walk through the door.  On the other hand, you may find that
you keep getting refused jobs you know you could do blindfolded.  If so, try this quiz -
it could tell you where you are going wrong.

   1.   Do you think interviews are like:

a) Going to the dentist - the anticipation is worse than the actual event
  b)   Attending a party - you like to show them a thing or two
   c)   Torture - like being on trial for a murder you haven't committed?

   2.   How often have you been turned down for a job that you are fully qualified for:

a)   Once or twice
   b)   Often
   c)   Never?

3.   How much do you normally know about the firm you have applied to:

a)   As much as you can - from the library, newspapers and people you know
b)   Just what you can pick up by keeping your ears open
c)   Nothing - you can find out later if you get the job?

  4.   Before the big interview, would you:

a)   Make sure you have something smart and conventional to wear even if it means
      buying or borrowing a new outfit
   b)   Rustle up something presentable from your wardrobe
   c)   Wait until the morning of the interview and hope you have something clean to

5.   You are waiting to be called in to the interview, the secretary has popped out and
        the telephone rings.  Do you:


a)       Answer It
b)       Leave it ringing
c)       Go to the door and shout “the phone’s ringing”?

   6.   While waiting to be called in for your interview, would you:

a)  Chat with the secretary and try to find out some inside information
   b)   Only make conversation if she talks to you - she may be busy
   c)   Compliment her and hope she puts in a good word for you after the interview?

   7)   If the interviewer walks into the room and trips over the carpet, would you:

a)  Rush up to help them
   b)   Burst into nervous giggles
   c)   Stay where you are and pretend you didn't notice?

   8.   Do you ever try to present yourself as someone completely different:

a)  Sometimes
   b)   Often
   c)   Never?

   9.   How many jobs have you had in the past five years:

a)  One
   b)   Three or less
   c)   You've lost count?

   10.  Your interviewer makes a joke.  Would you:

a)  Laugh for a minute and then get back to business
   b)   Give a quick titter and try to make a joke yourself
   c)   Clutch your sides with mirth and repeatedly say "That was a good one"?

   11.  How important are the perks that come with a job to you:

a)  Very - you wouldn't accept a job unless you had long holidays and a
company car
   b)   Not very - but they are a nice bonus
   c)   Not at all - job satisfaction is the main thing?


12.    If the interviewer was very rude to you, would you:

a)      Sit and take it
b)      Burst into tears or storm out
c)      Make your point firmly but politely?  


13.  How many of these things have you ever done at an interview - chewed gum,
         bitten your nails, or smoked without being asked:


a)  One
    b)   Two or three
    c)   None?

14.  Which of these do you think is most important when going to an

a) Looking smart
    b)   Asking relevant, intelligent questions
    c)   Getting there?

15.  Who would you rather be interviewed by:

a)  Nelson Mandela
   b)   Madonna
   c)   Someone who reminds you of your favourite uncle?

16.  The interviewer asks if you have any faults.  Do you say:

a)  "Yes, hundreds" - and proceed to list them all
   b)   "None" - it might put them off
   c)   "One or two" - but make sure they're relevant to the job?

17.  If you see the interviewer scratching, nodding his head quickly or
doodling, do you:

a)  Assume he has a nervous twitch
   b)  Think he is interested and carry on with renewed enthusiasm
   c)   Gather he is bored and change the subject?


18.    Looking back on interviews you have been to, do you usually come away feeling:

a)    You were better than the interviewer
b)    You made a fool of yourself
c )    Fairly happy - you did the best you could?  

19.  How do you address your interviewer:

a)  Mr or Mrs
   b)   Sir or madam
   c)   By their first name?

   20.  When you walk into the interview room, do you:

a)  Take off your coat and make yourself at home
   b)   Hover nervously, waiting to be asked
   c)   Shake hands and then sit down if you are asked?


a                   b                             c
   1.                 5                  10                             0
   2.                 5                   0                            10
   3.                10                  5                             0
   4.                10                  5                             0
   5.                10                  5                             0
   6.                10                  5                             0
   7.                10                  5                             0
   8.                10                  0                             5
   9.                 0                   5                            10
   10.                5                  0                            10
   11.                0                  5                            10
   12.               10                 0                             5
   13.                5                  0                            10
   14.               10                 5                             0
   15.               10                 5                             0
   16.                0                 10                             5
   17.                0                 10                             5
   18.               10                  0                             5
   19.                5                   0                            10
   20.              10                   0                              5


0 - 70:  OVER THE TOP

You think you're rather wonderful, don't you?  If you have trouble getting a
job it is probably because you're not willing to accept any position less than the
managing director.  You're probably quite able, but try making a list of your
faults... it might make you seem less bossy.



You seem to have the right approach - confident without being offensive.  If
you keep going as you are, you should be alright.  If you are having trouble getting
the right job, just keep trying - you obviously haven't met anybody who appreciates you
enough yet.
145 - 200:  TAKE IT EASY

You are too timid and shy.  The interviewer hardly notices you and so never
finds out just how good you are.  You probably laugh when you shouldn't, talk when you
ought to be listening and clam up when you are asked a question.  Just relax -
remember, the interviewer is only human.




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