Oh! Colombo - Sheaam Deen

Sep 03 2012.

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To be blessed with a wonderful voice and to use it to sing and create wonderful music, making anyone who listens happy and joyful with your God given talent is wonderful to this world. 
Twenty three year old Sheaam, who has been blessed with such a wonderful voice pursued his talent and has now been recognized for it internationally.
Beats 100 is a site strictly for musicians.  The site showcases millions of talented musicians.  When Sheaam joined he was ranked by the site in the 500s and within two weeks he soared to the top 100.  In the third week he got to the first twenties and two weeks ago Sheaam topped the list and was Ranked number one.  When the number one rank is reached, a worldwide press release is sent by this site to music producers and record companies. It did not take much time for Raymond, a songwriter for 35 years, to send him lyrics and melody of a song for him to sing.  Sheaam is currently working on it and when he sends the many renditions of the song back to Raymond, he would listen to them and have it released.. 
Sheaam was heard by the Sri Lankan public in 2000.  In 2009 when he won the TNL On Stage competition, he realized that he was talented in the field and has been performing since then at many events and music festivals. Sheaam does not stick to one genre of music and believes in experimenting in different styles of music.  He wishes to make this his career and now wants to sing more original music. He also creates his own melodies and has already written three lyrics.  Sheaam says he is open to any songwriter who will provide him some songs and if it suits his style he will create his melody and work on it.
Sheaam faces lots of pessimism in Sri Lanka as there is very little encouragement given to musicians who wish to sing English lyrics.  Most believe that singing English songs should be a hobby and, therefore, there is no scope in this field in this country.  He is amused with this line of thinking and says that if we all thought on these lines there would be no music or musicians emerging out of Sri Lanka. Sheaam knows it is a tough battle but is determined to be a Sri Lankan artiste who will be able to make a profession out of it and go international and hopefully be able to support himself with the talent he has been blessed with.
Sheaam is full of admiration for Harsha Subasinghe who introduced him to the site Beat 100 and who also encourages him all the time. Sheaam says there is so much talent in this country that could shine internationally.  He feels that there must be encouragement for all musicians and hopes that one day this dream would become a reality not only to him but all aspiring talented musicians in this country.
Beat 100 website – www.beat100.com
You can also follow Sheaam on YouTube and Facebook as well.




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