Management Tip of the Day: Trust your innovation

Feb 03 2012.

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You cannot find truth through analysis but only through action, says Harvard Business Review, so start working it.
“Most innovators experience crises of confidence – experts dismiss your underlying assumptions, you can't validate market demand, discussions with potential partners stall.
 If this happens, keep the faith. Trust your intuition that you are on to a big idea and keep moving forward to test your assumptions.
Analysis can only reveal so much. You can't be certain you have a good or bad idea until you take action. Get out of the office and try out your idea in the real world.
 However, don't have blind faith. Research other innovations and understand what kind of patterns indicate things are working, and which indicate they're not.”
- Today's management tip was adapted from “A Few Ideas for Beleaguered Innovators” by Scott Anthony.


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