Management Tip of the Day: Job hunting? Keep your spirits up

Jun 08 2012.

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Job hunting can be frustrating, depressing, even devastating, but there are steps to take to manage your feelings and keep your spirits up, says Harvard Business Review.
The Management Tip of the Day offers quick, practical management tips and ideas from Harvard Business Review and ( Any opinions expressed are not endorsed by Reuters.
"It can be hard to stay positive in today's tough job environment, but it's critical. Becoming cynical or depressed will work against you, in part because most interviewers, no matter how much you fake it, will pick up on your real feelings.
Actively manage your emotions so that you are truly happy, focused, and energetic:
1. Manage yourself. Set reasonable weekly goals for networking, researching, and applying for jobs. Reward yourself for accomplishing them.
2. Put your eggs in many baskets. You're less likely to get depressed by a single rejection if you have other options in the works.
3. Get out of the house. Do anything that will get you out, teach you something new, connect you with new people, and perhaps become a new line on your resume."
- Today's management tip was adapted from "Don't Let Your Job Search Depress You" by Priscilla Claman.


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