Keeping the peace between your feline and canine

Mar 28 2013.

views 1047

If you are an animal lover and you enjoy the company of both dogs and cats, you might end up having to be peace keeper more than spending quality time with your furry friends. This week on Ask the Vet, Dr. Ching talks about how to create a balance between the two animals.
Animals will take sometime getting to know each other. Therefore make sure the process of bringing the two together occurs at a slow pace. If not it is very likely for them to end up fighting.
If your dog barks each time the cat enters a room, make sure to say enjoyable things such as “look, kitty is here” this will help the dog to develop and associate pleasant feelings with the cat.
Provide your cat a place where she/he can get out of reach of your dog. Cats will generally attack a dog only when backed into a corner with no way to avoid th
Hold the cat in your arms and then get another family member to bring your dog closer to it. Do not leave the two animals alone; wait for them both to settle down as each step of the way before getting closer.
Rub a towel on your dog and put the towel under your cat's bowl so that your cat will get used to the dogs smell and will accept it.
Continue this process for a few weeks an pretty soon the two animals will be inseparable.


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