How to sound like you KNOW what you're talking about

Nov 14 2011.

views 370

Project Confidence – If you act like you know what you’re talking about, it’s a lot more likely you’ll be perceived as knowing what you’re talking about.
Know When to Speak – Don’t jump at the chance to be the first to speak. Sit back, think about what you do know on the topic, and wait for a chance to jump in with  that.
Emphasize What You Know – Over-exaggerate what you do know to make it seem more important.
Listen & Learn – If you can synthesize info as the discussion is going on, you can jump in with points and act like you’ve had them forever, even though you formulated them seconds ago.
Steer the Discussion to Related Topics – Use the main topic as a jumping off point, ie: if your friends are talking about a sport you don’t know, move on to a sport you do know.
Get In a Good Last Word – If you simply summarize the valid points made by everyone else, people will remember your contribution more than those who actually came up with the ideas.


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