How Fit Are You?

Nov 21 2011.

views 965

Are you feeling on top of the world, or have your resolutions been forgotten? Try our quiz to find out just how fit you really are. 
1. If you had to run 20 yards for a bus would you:
a) Find it no effort at all
b) Take a few minutes to get your breath back
c) You wouldn't - short of the direst emergency?
2. If you try to get hold of a chunk of flesh just above the waistline is
a) Plentiful
b) Not too abundant but you can pinch half-an-inch or so if you really try
c) Too lean to get hold of?
3. How far can you jog steadily before your heart starts to pound:
a) Less than 100 yards
b) Between 100 yards and a mile
c) More than a mile?
4. If you played squash for half-an-hour tomorrow how would you feel the
   day after:
a) Great
b) A bit stiff
c) As stiff as a board?
5. How much overweight are you:
a) Up to half a stone
b) More than half a stone
c) Not at all?
6. In the course of an average day do you walk:
a) Less than half-a-mile a day
b) Between half-a-mile and a mile a day
c) More than a mile a day?
7. Faced with a choice between stairs and a lift do you:
a) Take the lift
b) Walk if you aren't going more than two storeys up
c) Walk no matter how far up you are going?
8. How often do you deliberately leave the car or ignore the bus and walk
a) About once a month on average
b) Less than once a month on average
c) About once a week?
9. Do you take at least ten minutes regular exercise:
a) Daily
b) Every other day
c) Less often than every second day?
10. How often do you eat fruit and/or raw or lightly cooked vegetables:
a) Daily
b) Every other day
c) Less often than every second day?
11. How many colds or other minor illnesses do you have in an average
a) One or none
b) Two or three
c) More than three?
12. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day:
a) 20 or more
b) Between five and 20
c) None?
13. Do you wake, usually, feeling:
a) Great
b) Sluggish for a bit
c) Dreadful?
14. Which of the following do you most enjoy eating:
a) Salads
b) Sticky, creamy sweet things
c) Savoury pies and flans?
15. For him
When did you last do more than ten push-ups:
a) This morning or yesterday
b) In the last few months
c) More than six months ago?
For her
When did you last touch your toes ten times:
a) This morning or in the last 24 hours
b) In the last few months
c) More than six months ago?
16. Would you most enjoy spending a sunny weekend
a) Working in the garden
b) Sitting in the garden
c) Watching television?
17. Do you think keeping fit is:
a) Essential
b) A good idea if you have the time
c) A luxury for the leisured?
18. Do you most often finish your main meal of the day with:
a) Fresh fruit
b) Something rich
c) Nothing?
19. If you stay up anhour later than your usual bedtime do you feel:
a) As if you could stay up another hour and enjoy it
b) Wide-awake but quite ready for bed
c) Exhausted?
20. Are you usually asleep:
a) As soon as you turn the light out
b) Within 15 minutes of turning the light out
c) More than 15 minutes after you put the light out?
21. How much sleep do you need a night:
a) More than eight hours
b) Seven or eight hours
c) Less than seven hours?
     a b c
1. 10 5 0
2. 0 5 10
3. 0 5 10
4. 10 5 0
5. 5 0 10
6. 0 5 10
7. 0 5 10
8. 0 5 10
9. 10 5 0
10. 10 5 0
11. 10 5 0
12. 0 5 10
13. 10 5 0
14. 10 0 5
15. 10 5 0
16. 10 5 0
17. 10 5 0
18. 10 5 0
19. 10 5 0
20. 10 5 0
21. 0 5 10
150-210: You're as fit as a fiddle. Barring accidents, you should live to
be 100, and get the most out of every minute. On average, anyway. The only
danger ahead for you is turning into a fitness bore. Do it - but if you
talk about it and you notice eyes glazing over, take the hint.
70-145: You're pretty fit. Not the neighbourhood's number one jogger,
perhaps. But you're in reasonable running order. Which isn't to say you
couldn't do better - especially if you spent less time working out keep
fit plans and more keeping up with some of the ones you've already made.
0-65: Don't just sit there like a pudding. Do something! No, you don't
have to be seduced by every new fad that comes along. But nor do you have
to put your life on the line just so you can have the satisfaction of
holding out against the crowd. If you do, it might be a short-lived
feeling of superiority.


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