How do you measure up?(Part Three)

May 18 2012.

views 1030


How can you be sure that all your working out is working for you? one way to find if you're making progress is to measure  your fitness level in terms of muscular strength and endurance, flexibilty and cardivascular endurance regularly.


The Push-up Test

Measures: Strength and endurance in chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Starting Position: Start with hands shoulder width apart on the floor & get up on your toes, so that your body is supported, keep your body as straight as possible.

Action: Bend your elbows & lower chest to a 90 degree at the elbows. Push up so that your arms are straight, making sure your elbows aren’t completely locked. Look straight ahead & keep spine in a neutral position.

Goal: Do as many pushups as you can until you are exhausted.

Score: Count the total number of push-ups performed. Use the chart below to find out how you rate.   









 > 54

 > 44

> 39

> 34

 > 29



















 Very Poor

 < 20

 < 15

 < 12

 < 8

 < 5




The Sit-up Test

Measures: Strength and endurance in your abdominal and hip-flexor muscles.

Starting Position: Lie down with your knees bent & your feet flat on the ground.

Action: Keep your hands on the floor throughout the test. Engage the abs to lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the floor, & allow your fingertips to slide your knee. Return to the starting position to complete one rep. Don't pull with your neck or head and keep your lower back on the floor.

Goal: Do as many sit-ups as you can in one minute.  You may rest in the starting position (relaxed), but the clock will continue to run.

Score: Count the total number of sit-ups performed in 60s. Use the chart below to find out how you rate.





































 Very Poor

 < 25

 < 22

 < 17

 < 13

 < 9



The Squat Test

Measures: Strength and endurance in lower body.

Starting Position: Stand in front of a chair or bench with your feet at shoulder's width apart, facing away from it. Place your hands on your hips.

Action: Squat down & lightly touch the chair before standing back up. A good sized chair is one that makes your knees at right angles when you are sitting .Look straight ahead & keep spine in a neutral position.


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