How do you measure up?(Part Five)

May 31 2012.

views 859



Here is a great fitness test you can use to assess your explosive leg power. More power will up your game on all fields of play!


The Vertical Jump test

Measures: your explosive leg power.

Starting Position: Start by standing side on to a wall & reach up as high as you can with the hand closest to the wall. Make note of how high you can reach. This is called your standing reach height.

Action: Stand away from the wall & jump high as possible using your arms & legs to assist in projecting your body upwards.

Goal: Attempt to touch the wall at the highest point of your jump. Make a note of where you touched the wall at the height of your jump.

Score: Measure the distance between your standing reach height & your maximum jump height. Use the chart
to find out how you rate.    

 Max Jump Height (inches)     Max Jump Height (cm)       
 Excellent     > 28     > 70       
 Good     21-28       51-70       
 Average     17-20     41-50       
 Poor     12-16     31-40       
 Very Poor     < 12     < 30    


Standards based on guidelines published by the American College of Sports Medicine  

How did you go?  Michael Jordan’s highest vertical jump has been recorded as 48”. Don’t worry too much about how you rate because you can improve the height of your jump by exercising to increase your flexibility and strengthen your core & lower body.


For more fitness and nutrition advice contact the fitness experts at Bodybykris Fitness Elite on 011 2825749, 0771306172, visit us at 135, Dutugemunu St, Kohuwala or check us out @  Yourself. Only Better.                                                                                      


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