How do You Measure Up? (Part Two:Beyond BMI)

May 03 2012.

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While your body mass index (BMI) is a good measure of health, it doesn’t tell you the whole story. The BMI calculates how healthy your weight is for your height.

You can find your BMI using our BMI calculator at If your BMI is over the healthy range, you are probably carrying excess fat. Your health could be at risk depending on where your body stores your fat.

Measuring your waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) allows you to see how much fat you are carrying around your abdomen as opposed to your hips.

Working out the risk to your health is easy, simply divide the circumference of your waist by your hip circumference to calculate your HWR.


Your WHR = Your Waist

                      Your Hips           Healthy WHR       
                                                                  Men    <1.0       
                                                                  Women    < 0.85 


Are you an Apple or a Pear? If you carry excess weight around your abdomen, that means you're an "apple" shape. Those who carry excess fat around the bottom and thighs are "pear" shaped.  Adults  with ‘apple-shaped’ bodies, have an increased risk of high blood  pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke compared with those who are ‘pear-shaped’ and  have the same amount of body fat stored around their hips and thighs.


Anyone who is carrying excess weight, anywhere on the body, would get health benefits from losing that weight, but if you're an apple shape, it's particularly important that you take action to achieve a healthy weight. You can do this by making lifestyle changes to improve your diet and increase your physical activity.

For more health, fitness & nutrition advice contact the fitness experts at Bodybykris Fitness Elite on 011 2825749, 077130612 visit us at 135, Dutugemunu St, Kohuwala or check out  Yourself.  Only Better.                                                      .  


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