Health talk: Migraines!

Mar 28 2012.

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Have you ever experienced a throbbing headache which kept pulsating on a part of your head and at the same time felt extremely nauseous and sensitive to light and sound and yet you dismissed it thinking that after you find that dark quiet corner and lie down, things will settle down? Well it may be that you encountered a migraine attack though you owed it all to stress or a hard day’s work! Life Online spoke to General Practitioner Dr. K.K.W.Perera to gain some perspective on migraines.


What causes migraines?

It’s thought to be triggered off by a chemical imbalance in the brain however the real cause of migraine is still indefinite. Nevertheless genetic and some environmental factors are thought to play a role. Some common migraine triggers include hormonal changes in women due to estrogen fluctuations where women complain of headaches immediately before and during periods as well as during pregnancy and menopause.

Certain foods also have a notorious involvement with migraines and some of the common offenders are alcohol, aged cheese, chocolate, caffeine, aspartame sweeteners, monosodium glutamate, processed foods etc. Fasting or skipping meals on the other hand can also trigger it.

Stress is known to instigate migraines, changes in sleep-wake patterns where either missing sleep or getting too much of it, jet lag can all trigger migraines.

Sensory stimuli such as sun glare, loud noise and unusual smells such as perfume may prompt migraines.

Physical factors such as intense exertion, sexual activity may also provoke them.

Changes in the environment with weather pattern changes and pressure changes are thought to bring about migraine attacks.

Medication such as oral contraceptives and vasodilators can trigger migraines. In some, there’s also a close association between migraine and a family history of migraine attacks.

Women are three times more likely to have a migraine than men.


What are the home remedies?

While drug regimens for migraines are of two broad categories they are the pain relieving and preventive medication; these should be taken only following a doctor’s prescription.

In addition to medication some simple lifestyle changes can be made to ease the pain of migraine attacks,

Muscle relaxation exercises such as yoga and meditation, aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming and cycling which help reduce weight and obesity are now thought to be a factor when considering migraine headaches. Spend a few minutes of the day engaging in relaxation activities like listening to music, gardening, reading etc.

Get a good night’s sleep of six to eight hours but don’t oversleep and it’s also important to go to bed and wake up at regular times.

For many, maintaining a headache diary helps because one can learn about the triggers as well as what treatment is most effective.

Alternative treatment such as acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, herbs and vitamin supplements may also reduce the frequency of attacks and help you sleep better.

Text by Samurddhi Tillekeratne



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