Health in Bite-Size

Aug 03 2012.

views 1087

Did you know?

Did you know? Citrus fruit can calm your nerves. German researchers subjected 120 people to a public speaking task, and those who took large doses of vitamin C, found in oranges, felt less stressed and had lower blood pressure.







Exercise swaps

Swap aerobics class for swimming: Just 30 minutes of front crawl burns 295 calories - it takes 46 minutes of aerobics to do the same. Aerobics classes vary in quality, but swimming is a great way to tone every muscle. Because the water cushions your body, it also protects joints.






Cramp crisis

What causes it? One theory is that these sudden painful muscle contractions are caused by dehydration. The lack of water leads to a reduction in salts (such as sodium, calcium and potassium) which are needed for muscles to work efficiently, says Priya Dasoju from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

THE FIX: Gently re-stretch the muscle - ideally by walking. It's also important to rehydrate yourself, so drink water of a soft drink. A potassium-rich banana may also help.





How to beat a stitch

A stitch is caused by a build-up of lactic acid in your abdominal muscles. It can affect leg and arm muscles too. The only way to get rid of the lactic acid is with oxygen says Dr Anton Emmanuel from the University College Hospital, London.

While you may want to pant, you should instead take slow deep breaths as soon as you feel the pain. The oxygen converts the acid back into sugar, easing the pain.






Beetroot with burgers

Burgers can be high in saturated fat, but scientists at the University of Aberdeen have found that if they are eaten with beetroot, the anti-oxidants may prevent your body from absorbing it.










Daily Mail


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