Green Homes and Feng shui

Jun 28 2012.

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There was a time when we all lived connected to nature with a sense of deep gratitude for all that the bountiful earth had given us. Living by the riverside, close to luscious green woods, cultivating agricultural produce, breathing fresh unpolluted air; it was a feeling of heaven on earth and no doubt our life style was different and it was for sure a stress free life.

The effect of all the modernization, large buildings and complexes coming up is obvious in terms of depletion of the ozone layer due to felling of trees, disturbing the ecological balance, increase in emission of obnoxious gases, smog, air pollution and in turn making life more and more difficult for all of us. If only we could all think of adapting more and more green products in our construction and home décor making it eco-friendly, things may well turn for the better.

From the Vaastu and Feng Shui perspective, the soil around a building needs to breathe hence planting trees around the house to filter the air and using paving blocks for terraces instead of cement, both of which are in line with green design principles would be a creative and effective approach.

Green architecture or green design is an approach for reducing the harmful effects of building on human health and environment. Vaastu and Feng Shui emphasize harmony and balance between human and nature moreover the concept of green architecture has been supported by these ancient sciences for thousands of years.

Green in Feng Shui is the color of renewal, fresh energy and new beginnings. Green represents the Wood element, it also is said to nourish growth, health, it calms your nerves and balances your whole body by bringing healing vibrations from Nature. From the fresh spring color of the newly opened leaves, to the strong Green of a mighty oak tree - there are literally hundreds of greens to choose from in your Feng Shui applications. A great way to bring the color Green in Feng Shui is with actual plants that have lush green foliage.

When it comes to construction materials, the recent adaptation of bamboos in construction in place of steel, fabricating wardrobes, doors and flooring has been found to be very effective. Bamboo is one eco friendly option as it is a fast growing grass that can be selectively harvested annually. It is extremely durable and harder than red oak and maple, has 50% less contraction and expansion than wood and is a renewable resource.

If you wish to adapt the regular methods and not get into unconventional materials, then Tiles are good. Tile is another eco friendly durable material if you use tiles that contain recycled content.  Tiles are durable, easy to clean and can use recycled materials like broken window panes and recycled granite dust.

Eco-friendly construction can not only help to create a better outdoor environment, it can also help to build a healthier indoor environment. Adapting Vaastu and Feng Shui designs in the layout, décor and landscaping one can effectively implement an Eco-friendly “Green Healthy Home”.




By S.BS.Surendran, Accredited Master Fengshui Consultant, Bioenergetician and Traditional Vaastu Practitioner


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