Getting in shape for sex

Feb 14 2013.

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Good sex is warranted by a relatively fewer factors when comparing to hot sex which is constituted of a rather complex and demanding list of pre requisites. It isn’t often however that scientific backing is provided for what essentially makes things interesting between the sheets.
Massachusetts researchers surveyed 1,709 men over 40 with regards to their sex life and overall living conditions. Results point out that while a loving relationship is a key factor which contributes to the quality of sex; physiological condition played an equally important, if not significantly more important role.
A healthy nervous system ensures that pleasure centers in the body are sufficiently indulged upon, a well functioning cardiovascular system enables optimum levels of blood to flow through to the genitals for better erections or vaginal lubrication and finally a deep state of relaxation in the muscles and tissues guarantee that the cardiovascular and nervous systems function efficiently.
While the theory is a simple matter of individual anatomical systems, the actual workings of the body are far more complicated and the efficiency of these critical systems rest largely on other supporting systems such as the digestive system. Many lifestyle features may impact the state of these systems, yet however a few key behavioural adjustments are able to allow for a satisfactory level of efficiency. 
Fruits and Vegetables
Include fruit with breakfast. Eat at least one salad a day. Snack on fruit. And one night a week, dine on vegetable soup. The added benefits of increasing fruit and vegetable intake goes beyond better sex and reaches the overall wellness of life. 
Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidant nutrients that contribute to cardiovascular and neurological health. In contrast, meats, cheese, fast foods, junk foods, and whole-milk dairy products are low in antioxidants and high in cholesterol and saturated fat that narrow the arteries, limiting blood flow into the genitals. University of South Carolina researchers checked the cholesterol levels of 3,250 men, and then surveyed their sex lives. As their cholesterol increased, so did their reports of sex problems.
Reduce Stress
Stress causes a great deal of damage to libido by reducing blood flow to the genitals and depressing testosterone. Proven ways to manage stress include time spent with loved ones, spouses and pets as well as playing a musical instrument, video games or sports. Learning to manage stress levels may help in bringing about a turn in your sex life for the better.
Reduce Smoking and Alcohol
If possible eliminating both of these habits are optimum for life in general but reducing consumption is the next best thing. Many studies show that as smoking increases, sexual satisfaction decreases.
Smoking accelerates growth of the artery-narrowing deposits that reduce genital blood flow. Alcohol while deteriorating physical condition through damage to kidneys and fat levels also causes great reductions in performance levels, as Shakespeare very eloquently put it, it evokes desire but inhibits performance.
Get Your Sleep
It’s important to ensure that you get enough sleep to maintain libido and sexual energy levels. While sleep needs differ from individual to individual, on average an adult requires about seven hours of sleep.
Half of all adults suffer from occasional insomnia, increasing activity levels is an effective way to guarantee better sleep conditions while reducing nicotine, a stimulant and alcohol which disrupts sleep are all effective ways of increasing the quality of sleep. 


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