Get stronger & leaner in 6 weeks with Body By Kris Fitness Elite

Aug 24 2012.

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Week Six:  Five weeks of consistent training has given you awesome gains in muscle strength, mass, leanness & definition. This final week completes your initiation into fitness & exercise. In just seven days, you'll be ready to train with the best of them!    
YOUR GOALS: WEEK SIX              
•To increase the intensity of your workouts
•To encourage variety within your workouts
•To improve your dietary habits l
Cardio – (e.g. Treadmill)
 target muscle group stretches
Pull Over
Incline Press
Push ups
Shoulder Press
Front Raises 
Side Raises
Cardio – (e.g.Cross-trainer)
Full Body stretches
100 sit ups
 Hold  for 10s

Cardio – (e.g. Treadmill)
 Focused stretching of legs, lower back
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Cardio – (e.g. spin bike)
Lower back extension
Full Body Stretches
Hold  for10s
Hold for 10s    
Cardio– (e.g.Cross-trainer)  
Bent over Row
Incline Row
Reverse fly
Straight Bar Curl
Dumbell Curls
Tricep extension
Tricep Kick back
Cardio– (e.g. spin bike)
Full Body Stretches
Hold for10s
CRANK  UP THE INTENSITY without hurting yourself!
‘You won’t gain the results you desire by trying to lift any weight which is too heavy for you!.  Lifting with no control & poor technique defeats the purpose of weight training...
When you lift too much, lose balance & drop the weights you can’t handle,you will only increase the risk of injury to yourself, damage the weights and gym floor, and disturb everyone with lots of unnecessary noise! Instead, try choosing weights you can handle & control to begin with and gradually increase the weight every 2-3weeks. Remember to Concentrate on your technique, breathing & form.
Planned Exercise + Balanced Nutrition = Awesome Results!
No matter how hard you train, you cannot out-train a poor diet! If you eat everything you want, & tell yourself you will work it off later by running on the treadmill for half an hour, you may have to re-think your eating habits! 30mins of cardio may feel like you’ve worked off everything you ate, but the truth is, you will have only burnt off the calorie equivalent of two slices of bread....without the butter! 
The Body By Kris guide to Getting the most out of your Reps                      
 Why count? 
 It is easier to have more control when you lift as you are pushing up against gravity. On the way down, gravity works with you to bring the weight down too fast, so you must actively control the downward motion over two counts.
 •As you lift the weight up count ‘1001 ‘                                                                              
 •As you return to the starting position,                 
  count ‘1001....1002’
We hope this six week plan has encouraged you to make exercise a part of your healthier lifestyle. Next week we will focus on vitality! The program was developed by the fitness experts at Bodybykris Fitness Elite to make you fitter, stronger and become your best self ever!
For more fitness and nutrition advice contact the fitness experts at Bodybykris Fitness Elite on 011 2825749/ 0771396172, visit us at 135, Dutugemunu St, Kohuwala or check out Yourself. Only Better.                                                      



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